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skyBeacon ADS-B Software v1.5.1 implements the following changes:

Flight Plan ID (squawk code) is now reported as ‘0000’ instead of ‘Not Available’, prior to the skyBeacon Transponder Monitor detecting a squawk code. This situation can occur in non-radar environments, or prior to achieving radar contact. The change is in accordance with updated TSO deviations as approved for skyBeacon, to better integrate with the operational characteristics of FAA Air traffic control (ATC) systems.
Flight Plan ID (squawk code) data lifetime (timeout) has been updated from 60 seconds to infinity (through a given power cycle), which persists the last known squawk code after leaving a radar environment. The change is in accordance with updated TSO deviations as approved for skyBeacon, to better integrate with the operational characteristics of FAA Air Traffic Control (ATC) systems.
The ADS-B firmware part number is now made available through electronic marking, viewable in the iOS and Android apps, as well as the Windows firmware update tool."

v1.5.1 is out.
Appears that the old, "don't use" code 0000, used to be for target drones, is now the default in non-radar.

Any code last hit by ATC replies also appears to stay for the rest of that powered flight, not just the next minute.

Will be interesting to test if this allows anonymous mode and better formation depiction non-radar without having to set "show all traffic at all altitudes" type ADS-B settings.

"This Service Bulletin is mandatory at the next scheduled service interval".

Power up UAT squawk is now "0000".

Tested- edit to add...

You are still NOT Anonymous at power up, even in 1200 Squawk radar contact, which I have at my hangar. I tried Anonymous Mode on, transponder off, the 0000 code and my ICAO address show immediately on AVARE ADSB Pro software.

MAYBE if you are Anonymous on 1200 when leaving radar contact it now remains Anonymous for that flight if you stay 1200, but I have not tested it yet.
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