
Well Known Member
I departed KGSO today and the departure called saying I was reporting two different altitudes. They asked if I had two transponders aboard and if so could I turn one off. Well I don't have two. They called again and said Center was very troubled as one showed me climbing through 17,900 feet. I was level at 5500'. I went into my GRT HXr and turned off ADSB to see if that would stop the uAvionix from reporting. It worked and rest of flight they showed me at the correct altitude through my GTX327. The only unusual thing I noticed was the data flow rate on the settings page in the HXr showed a very spotty flow ... not the constant fast rate of flow from the uAvionix. Restarting for the return trip home did not reset anything.

Anyone had any issues like this?
Ditto Barry: Which unit?
Sounds like you have two altitude encoder signals - one from HXr and another from [or through] the UAvionics.
I have the uAvionix Echo UAT + SkyFYX GPS. But what would cause the problem to surface yesterday when it has performed flawless for the past year?
Good question.... I'd be on the phone to Uavionix. Sure be interested to hear what they say about this. I have the same one and far as I know, never have had a problem.