
Well Known Member
Just installed the uAvionix AV-30E as a backup ADI and could not setup the internal magnetometer, found out from tech support that the AV-30 unit no longer comes with the internal magnetometer installed.

Not mentioned in the literature or the installation manual (in fact it is specifically referenced). Not a huge issue for me in my panel configuration but it is somewhat disappointing as I had planned to use the heading bug function input to my Vizion 385 autopilot.
uAvionix AV-30E with AV-Mag

If you really want the magnetic heading function to drive the autopilot, add the external magnetometer (AV-Mag from uAvionics) to your AV-30E installation. With the AV-MAG properly installed (away from magnetic materials) it works well.

My original install was the AV-30E without an internal magnetometer. Upgraded to internal magnetometer when they offered it. It worked.....sort of. Let's just say, my old (no longer installed at the time) vacuum DG did better...less gyro drift over time. Finally ended up installing the AV-Mag once it came out. MUCH BETTER! It holds the magnetic setting without any drift.
If you really want the magnetic heading function to drive the autopilot, add the external magnetometer (AV-Mag from uAvionics) to your AV-30E installation. With the AV-MAG properly installed (away from magnetic materials) it works well.

My original install was the AV-30E without an internal magnetometer. Upgraded to internal magnetometer when they offered it. It worked.....sort of. Let's just say, my old (no longer installed at the time) vacuum DG did better...less gyro drift over time. Finally ended up installing the AV-Mag once it came out. MUCH BETTER! It holds the magnetic setting without any drift.

Good to know about the internal version, I have a magnetometer driving my Dynon so I do not want to install another one, the legacy Dynon does not however drive the Vizion AP so the AV-30 looked like a good all around solution in a single unit and add one missing function to the AP.
I had my AV-30 without the internal magnetometer and then it was upgraded with internal magnetometer. I would say pretty useless and that did not change much anything; DG needs to be readjusted often even when flying straight. It seems the AV-Mag should be installed and reports are good with that… I do not have the AV-Mag installed myself. I was not aware that uAvionix does not include the internal magnetometer anymore.
Ditto the comments on the internal magnetometer.
Very disappointed after installing an AV-30 in my 182. It replaced a failed AI and a failing DG. The DG feature is about as good as the DG it replaced. I concede that it makes a decent AI.
The assumed AOA function isn't as accurate or as usable as a true AOA.
The disappointment lies in that I wanted a stand alone unit because I didn't want to wire in a remote magnetometer. The AV-30 would save some money compared to overhauling the two gauges it replaced. But he ease of install and cost savings are out the window now with the requirement to install the remote magnetometer to get the heading function to work as advertised.
Hindsight: I would have installed a G-5 and GMU-11 and accepted the extra cost. I don't feel that the AV-30 is ready for prime time.

EDIT: I'm surprised there is confusion regarding the internal magnetometer existence at this point. I went through all this confusion a year and a half ago. Appears to me to be fishy advertising...
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Ditto the comments on the internal magnetometer.

EDIT: I'm surprised there is confusion regarding the internal magnetometer existence at this point. I went through all this confusion a year and a half ago. Appears to me to be fishy advertising...

Still referenced on web sites and in the installation and pilots operating manual. Still included in the actual setup menu and referenced in the AHARS augmentation section.
I read all that before I purchased and now trying to decide whether to keep it, the AI seems to work fine as does the GPS track etc. In combo with my Aera 760 it is not a bad backup solution and only took 4 wires.