
Well Known Member
Hello all. Kind of curious if anybody is having trouble with this AV-30. I received mine last week and installed it a few days later. When i did the test flight, in a standard rate turn, the gauge recalibrated to be level in the bank. Then you go back to level flight and it?s way off. I have a great video of it, but don?t know how to share it.
I have spoken with uavionix and initially had great help to find a solution. Two days later I hadn?t heard anything and get sent to voicemail immediately and receive no response from messages. Any thoughts on this? I?m not here to bash them, but dang at least answer and tell me your working on it. I?ve read posts on here with rave reviews on these and agree the instrument is awesome and a work of art. IF IT WORKS!!

Let me know what you think or if you?ve had this issue.

This has come up in the past with other electronic instruments.

The unit may be sensing the rate of change in bank angle, not the angle itself. If you stabilize the turn, there is no longer a change in rate, so the unit thinks it is level again. Hope I remembered this right?
Thanks Mike. I hope they find a remedy for this. I love the gauge, But my G5 is standing by to go back in If need be. It worked flawlessly I just wanted the round look back.
Only trouble I'm having with mine is visibility...
Ordered it 10 weeks ago, and still waiting for it to show up!
I ordered March 9th and just got it last Friday. I?m starting to think I may have got an old one from Aerovonics. I guess some of them would seek level. Found a YouTube video where a guy mentioned it did that. It?s really nice, but no good to me at this point. Bummed because I had to change a little bit around to make it fit in my -4. One spot it would work in and that was it.
I've had my AV-30 for 7-8 months now. No issues with it so far, it has been really great for me with my Garmin 660 providing data in.
I have had 3 AV-30s, two of which went in a Glasair III for a dual set up. Never once had an issue. Side by side comparison of AV-30 with the G5 had the G5 wonk out due to GPS shading while the AV-30 was dead nuts solid. I don't dislike the G5 I just prefer the AV-30 in a non-integrated flight deck installation. Somewhere on the order of 100 hours operation between the AV-30s. I do fly G5 in my Husky and RV-8 with G3X Touch. Current AV-30 is in my RV-3B.
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I believe it was your thread or one you commented on that made me a believer in it. I just hope they Make it right. For a VFR guy like myself it’s perfect. Wish I could link the video. Anyone know how? It’s saved on my iPhone
As someone who was considering an AV-30, I'm following this thread with great interest.

Please let folks know how it is resolved.
Video of AV-30

The video link works, but it shows that particular AV-30 unit doesn't, which is a bit disconcerting. Must be a faulty unit so hope it can be remedied under warranty without too much trouble.

I am also considering an AV-30 or G5 for day VFR, though not yet ready to purchase.
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I will. Uavionix is reputable and I m confident All will be worked out. Even with the hiccup I love the gauge. I just don?t want the delay. I?m sure I?ll be telling you to go ahead and buy. I?ll keep it updated.
Hi gacnik123,

We are sorry that you are having this issue. I saw this post yesterday and reached out to our support team. They indicated to me that they have been working with you the past couple days and currently have processed a replacement unit to ship out. We are anxious to get your unit back for testing.

I've got a couple AV-30 and AV-20 in my plane for testing and have not seen this behavior after many months of testing.

We value the feedback of our fellow pilots and try to stay on top of as many forums as possible, but there are so many communities. These posts, both positive and negative are read for years, so please know that we stand behind our products and will always work to make things right.
works perfect

I've had mine since January in my SuperCub and it works flawlessly and I love it. Absolutely no problems.
I?m not here to bash your company/products and only want this product to succeed. I stated above you guys are well known and reputable. You are correct in that a new instrument is on the way! I greatly appreciate it. I?ve got a few pilots on my field who are potentially going to buy one also so rest assured even with the issues I?m demonstrating it?s potential.

Thank you for reaching out
I've had mine since January in my SuperCub and it works flawlessly and I love it. Absolutely no problems.
Someone want to share the secret uAvionix AV30 handshake?
I too have had mine since January, but it was defective out of the box and I can't get a replacement. "We don't have parts" is what I'm told. "Maybe next week" since February. 3-4 calls and no replacement.

When mine works, intermittently, I really like it and would love to have a good one.

Shane, what say you?

Holy ****..... I just finished installing 2 of these in my 6 but haven?t flown yet. Will let you know very soon if mine work.
Follow up

2nd gauge installed and worked flawlessly. It?s my luck that I?d get the bad apple the first go around, but Uavionix took care of it. If you want one, buy it! The features and capabilities are really nice. It?s linked to my old garmin 250xl and reads the info no problem. Anymore questions let me know. Thanks John
Thanks for update that the replacement works, that is reassuring, it would be interesting to know what caused the fault in the first unit.
Holy ****..... I just finished installing 2 of these in my 6 but haven?t flown yet. Will let you know very soon if mine work.

Doug. I have had 3 of these (2 in a Glasair III that sold and currently have one in my RV-3B). I have never had any kind of performance issue. The optional OAT probe always needs a pretty good correction to calibrate it with ambient but then it's dead on. The gyroscopic precession can be a bit much at times but has improved with updates. A magnetometer is alleged to be in the works which would be nice. I just use GPS track instead of heading. On cross-countries I switch it over to EFIS-Arc view or HSI for a quick and easy way to keep track of primary course.

I wouldn't worry too much about uAvionix. They aren't going anywhere and they provide good support.

Quick question on the RS232 line. It was hooked up to my jpi fuel flow instrument as well as my Gemini autopilot. Worked as expected. I have now tapped into this same wire for both of my AV30?s for a grand total of 4 instruments being fed by this single source for the RS232 data. Is there a problem with this? I have not flight tested yet. Hopefully everything is ok this way but wondering if you can have too many instruments on the same data stream?
Sorry for the dumb questions, but it's how we learn.

Why is the AV30 attractive or desirable? I watched the ad

I see it has some unique form, fit and function. However the bug the OP mentions brings some question of suitability as an attitude indictator. Many EFIS use GPS in the solution, as well as magnetometer. May be being self contained stand alone is too much of a compromise.

It seems like a Garmin G5, Dynon D10 or GRT Mini-GA fit in 3.125" hole. The GRT is a full EFIS AI and map. As the Ad says the don't have to add things, stand alone, and they don't believe in plugging a hole with a square. So those are nice, but if it's not a solid gyro it is pointless. I do like the HSI display which brought back fond memories.
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First of all my plane never had an AI so I replaced my vsi with this. It has a vsi. I loved the g5 but like the looks of round gauges way better. Ya I had a glitch with the first one, but the second is spot on. I?m not IFR and nor are these, so my intent is only a little night flying and god forbid I had to pop through a sucker hole in clouds one day. I also like that it talks to my gps and displays my wpt info and track

That is pretty much why I chose it and the fact that it Has so many gauges in one. With an RV-4 the dash is limited for space so these are perfect.
It is a solid gyro. That's initially why I bought it. I removed my vacuum equipment and put two of them in. It is not the same as the phony AI that the Trutrak Gemini is. It will give attitude errors under certain conditions. The AV 30 is supposed to be an accurate gyro. Haven't flown it yet however. It also has quite a few other secondary functions as well. I probably will use their Tailbeacon X asdb out/transponder so I will use the AV30 to control the transponder. I can then get rid of my existing transponder and it's antenna. Less drag!! LOL
Sorry for the dumb questions, but it's how we learn.

Why is the AV30 attractive or desirable? I watched the ad

I see it has some unique form, fit and function. However the bug the OP mentions brings some question of suitability as an attitude indictator. Many EFIS use GPS in the solution, as well as magnetometer. May be being self contained stand alone is too much of a compromise..

Don't think for a second the G5 is perfect. I have had a G5, Sandia Quattro and AV-30 installed in my RV3 simultaneously for testing and the G5 behaved fine until maneuvering caused shadowing of the GPS signal which didn't affect the other two makes. Granted an external antenna would mitigate this. Where I live the gubmit' is occasionally GPS blocking so instruments that depend on it wonk out (G5, Aspen etc). What's that new controversial 5G signal the FCC just approved going to do? I don't know.

Alll these things are gizmos with occasional dud units despite quoted high MTBF (mean time between failures). As an aside if you ever get a chance to tour any of the manufacturers of these types of instruments donit. It is impressively mind blowing how much care and testing goes into each individual unit. Dynon used to do this during the Arlington Fly In and it was brilliant marketing.

I had a G5 air data sensor go nuts at just shy of 20 hours from new installation. It was the AI in a dual G5 panel in a Pioer Comanche and I had used it as the digital altitude encoder source for transponder and ADS-B. Unfortunately it decided to malfunction during VFR climb out from the LA basin. Southern Cal approach lit up when the encoded altitude reported from between zero and 40 some-odd thousand feet and all points in between randomly multiple times a second. The G5 altitude tape exhibited this same behavior. The controllers had the pilot turn off altitude squawk. Consequently we got a nastygram in the mail from the FAA asking for a suitable explanation lest the aircraft be ADS-B blacklisted.

And then there's the issue with support. Trying to get Garmin to believe they have a bad unit can be tough. To be fair they field questions all day and are weary of Grandma calling without even knowing what model number they have. So sometimes they have the same disposition as the IRS when you call. Then having them point you to the dealer you bought it from complicates the whole process. You have to call the dealer and start all over with the questions and answers and convince them Garmin support concured there is a problem. In this case I had a spare G5 I used as a loner to to troubleshoot and correct the problem and get the FAA off our back. But it took more than a month to get the warranty replacement through Spruce with their green and incompetent employees. I had to call back multiple times to check on progress and got confused responses.

Warranty claims and support from uAvionix (and Aerovonics before that) is a quick and simple phone call with someone who is technically knowledgeable and can make an instant decision to get a replacement unit on the way without delay or dealing with a dealer.

The G5 air data module failure was 5 months ago and I still get occasional calls from ACS avionics asking where the battery and connector are for the G5 and I have to explain and swear on my life all they sent me was the stripped down bare unit without these items and I re-used the original accessories. I have a picture in my mind of a box on a desk in a cubicle that nobody seems to know what to do with.

Don't take this the wrong way. I am satisfied with the G5 and just installed one in my Husky. I have a new one in the box waiting to go into my G3X Touch equipped RV-8. There isn't an argument that the G3X and G5 just go together. There isn't anything perfect out there and I go both ways. I just happen to prefer and recommend the AV-30 for aircraft without Garmin glass, or the owner doesnt insist on a slaved heading system or is a Type Certified aircraft (until such time as the AV-30 is approved by the FAA). The AV-30 is more bang for the buck, is beautiful to behold and displays attitude as smooth as a physical gyro. And I dig the EFIS Arc mode for enroute.
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Cool. Thanks for the replies. Glad this was just a bad unit and many have good solid performance.

G5 and others, all the "experimenral" solid state EFIS attitude (some STC'ed for certified planes) have proven to be reliable. Perfect? No.

IFR I would have two independant EFIS AHAR and this unit might make a good back up. The form, fit and function is cool. Some EFIS advertising says they don't need GPS to work. Others may not need it, but they do use GPS as well as Mag heading and airspeed in the altitude solution. I think it helps. It's magic and smoke and mirrors... ha ha

In the end it is electronic sensors, software, microprocessor and a LCD display inconveinencing some electrons. What could wrong. :D A lot of care goes into IMU calibration and testing. At the heart of the AI is that one chip, G/pitch / roll / yaw sensor. If tolerances are out the AI will not work properly. Hats off to the people that bring these great instruments at a great value to the market.

Dispite the failure rate of EFIS (low), it's better than vacuum pumps and mechanical gyros spinning. No one wants to go back to that. The spinning wheel worked for 80 years but sold state is better.
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Test flew my AV30?s today. They worked totally fine except for one issue that is probably my installation. Neither instrument recognized my gps rs232 connection. Not sure why at this moment.
Test flew my AV30?s today. They worked totally fine except for one issue that is probably my installation. Neither instrument recognized my gps rs232 connection. Not sure why at this moment.

Doug, you need to make sure the "Out" from our GPS device matches the "In" on the AV30. I had an issue on mine trying to get the AV30 recognize data from Garmin 660 until I matched up the serial data format on the Garmin with that same that was available on the AV30. I believe it was NMEA out for me that worked.... not sure I'm not close to my hangar. But be sure they match. The installation is only 1 wire so that should be easy to troubleshoot.
Av-30 Install Configuration Access

How are you all getting into the Install Configuration? Just received 2 AV-30s to replace vacuum AI and DG/system. Quick reference card shows menu button has 3 options, 1) Edit Fields 2) Setup 3) Install. Both of mine only provide the first two options edit fiellds, setup. No install. I'm not seeing a lot instruction on the setup. Maybe I'm missing something?
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Turn the unit off, push and hold the knob as you turn it back on and you’ll get the third menu. Also, get a hold of Trevor and have him email a rewritten operating manual.
I just got mine yesterday and am planning to put it in today but for some reason the Stein D-Sub extraction tool won?t extract any of the pre installed terminals from the serial connector. Has anyone else had this issue or more importantly found a solution? That tool has worked for everything else it has touched so something must be different.

I had the same problem, but finally got it. Keep trying, it will work. The pins that are pre installed are like a crimp terminal if you will. Kinda Like the bendix king ones from a few yrs back. You have to get the tool past that and it will unlock it. You?ll see what I mean when you get one out. If I go to the hangar today I?ll take a picture for ya.
Turn the unit off, push and hold the knob as you turn it back on and you?ll get the third menu. Also, get a hold of Trevor and have him email a rewritten operating manual.

I have tried that three times and no luck...Still can?t to the menu to set v speeds.
I am not sure where the whole "hold a button down on start-up" thing came from but I haven't ever seen that with the AV-30. So I just walked over to my RV-3B that has an AV-30 and tried it and it doesn't do anything.

However, I am fully able to access the GPS settings from within the unit under normal operation. Here is what I do:

1.) Start up unit with avionics master switch and let it boot up normally.


2.) Tap the left button ("Menu") 3 times to get into "Install" menu.


3.) Rotate center knob (labeled "PUSH-SET") something like 15 to 18 times until you get to the GPS NAV SRC settings item.


Once you see the "GPS NAV SRC" item push in the center knob to select that item (the same PUSH-SET knob you rotated to get there). Then you can rotate the knob to find whatever settings your GPS uses. I asked what GPS you were using many posts ago without an answer from you. Suffice it to say the setting shown in the last photo above is for the Garmin aera 660 I have in my RV-3. You might have to try the different settings if you have a different GPS until you find one that works for you.

I am not sure where the whole "hold a button down on start-up" thing came from but I haven't ever seen that with the AV-30. So I just walked over to my RV-3B that has an AV-30 and tried it and it doesn't do anything.

However, I am fully able to access the GPS settings from within the unit under normal operation. Here is what I do:

1.) Start up unit with avionics master switch and let it boot up normally.


2.) Tap the left button ("Menu") 3 times to get into "Install" menu.


3.) Rotate center knob (labeled "PUSH-SET") something like 15 to 18 times until you get to the GPS NAV SRC settings item.


Once you see the "GPS NAV SRC" item push in the center knob to select that item (the same PUSH-SET knob you rotated to get there). Then you can rotate the knob to find whatever settings your GPS uses. I asked what GPS you were using many posts ago without an answer from you. Suffice it to say the setting shown in the last photo above is for the Garmin aera 660 I have in my RV-3. You might have to try the different settings if you have a different GPS until you find one that works for you.


Trevor @ Uavionix told me if I don?t see the install hold the button. Works on mine. Maybe they updated later models to make that menu harder to access to prevent accidental critical changes during flight. I really don?t know, just throwing it out there.

Trevor @ Uavionix told me if I don?t see the install hold the button. Works on mine. Maybe they updated later models to make that menu harder to access to prevent accidental critical changes during flight. I really don?t know, just throwing it out there.


Out of curiosity; what software version do you have? I don?t have three menu options; only two (none of them the install menu), and strangely I have held all the buttons individually while booting up and none of them access the install menu either.
Aha. Very interesting John.

To be fair my unit is an older one with the Aerovonics splash screen on start-up. So my process above must only apply to the older units. I had my software updated late last year prior to the product being transferred to uAvonix.
Aha. Very interesting John.

To be fair my unit is an older one with the Aerovonics splash screen on start-up. So my process above must only apply to the older units. I had my software updated late last year prior to the product being transferred to uAvonix.

Strange thing is that all the setup and operation manual available are with Aerovoics letterhead...I guess not updated for the current versions of the gauge?
Strange thing is that all the setup and operation manual available are with Aerovoics letterhead...I guess not updated for the current versions of the gauge?

Exactly. So Trevor sent me the revised and it?s like 40 pages. It?s nice. PM your email and I can send it

Out of curiosity; what software version do you have? I don’t have three menu options; only two (none of them the install menu), and strangely I have held all the buttons individually while booting up and none of them access the install menu either.

Gosh I really don’t know. If it’s on the back of the gauge, i’d have to unbutton the top again.

Never mind I found it. 1.0.14
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Just realized my video cut off just as I put it in install mode. Sorry bout that. If you need the video I can send in an email.
I got it to work and got all the V-speeds setup. Now I need to figure out why it won?t read my GPS being output from ?serial 1 out? on the GRT.
Been flying alot and have not lookedt this conversation. Just wnt out t my plane and set te 30's to te proper setting to match my garmin 295.THANKYOU for your post. They recognize my gps now.Fly tommorw.