
Active Member
I'd like to send a big thank you to the folks at uavionics, especially Andrew Clark, for the excellent customer service on my EchoUAT/SkyFYX ADSB system. Several weeks ago I realized it had stopped working. After a quick email exchange, Andrew said to send the units in for evaluation. One day after they received it it was in the mail back to me with a new power supply. No charge, even for return shipping. Unit now back, installed with "passing" PAPR report.

Bob Cowan N743RV
RV7A with 550 hrs, Mattituck IO 360, Hartzel Blended Airfoil Constant Speed prop, AFS EFIS, Garmin SL30, SL40, and SL 330
I'll piggy back on this! I was helping a hangar neighbor who had a SKYBEACON on his Murphy Elite that was failing ID tests on the PAPR report. A quick call to UAVIONIX and spoke with Kurt. He gave me some things to try after we walked through the setup. Come to find out, this SKYBEACON that was purchased from GULF COAST in April had very old firmware (1.0.3). We updated the firmware to the latest/greatest (1.4.0) and presto works great! You just can not put a price on GREAT CUSTOMER SUPPORT and UAVIONIX has it!!!
I’ll add my kudos to the list. I recently installed an Echouat in my RV8 and had some performance fails. A couple calls to uAvionix support and everything is reporting 100%, including traffic display on my GRT...cool. Top-notch product and support.