
Active Member
I connected the echo/sky units yesterday. I waited 3minutes for the WiFi to appear. It never did. How long does the unit take to show up? I did verify power and ground to both connectors. I?m using the navworx cable they sent.
I was waiting for something starting with ping... on both my phone and iPad and it never showed up. I was asking if anyone knows about how long for it to show up.
Should be available to connect up to wifi within 1 min if you have powered up the echo and can see the appropriate indicator led s on the Echo. As stated above, the wifi will be named PING XXXX .
Put one in a RV 7 couple weeks ago that actually had a bad connector and or wire crimp in the black plug and was not powering up unit. May want to check that if you have NO LED indicator lite.
Thanks. I didn't see lights on either unit. I did check the wiring to ensure I had power on pin 2 and pin 1 was grounded on both units.
Actually uAvionics swapped the Echo out for me no questions ask and sent me a new one. Plugged it into the OLD ( original plug ) and had same problem . Pulled out the old black plug and installed the new one ( with the replacement unit) and all worked well . I would bet the original echo would work had we just replaced the plug. I didn t do autopsy on the OLD plug but that confirmed for me something not connected internally.