
Well Known Member
Are there any RV's near London that I could visit?

I get to London once a week as an airline guy.
I'll provide reciprocal priveledges if you are in the Houston, TX area, specifically KCXO where we have over 30 RV's based. Mines an 8 and we have -3, -4, -6, -7, -9 and -10 types.


Lots of the UK guys visit Vaf so someone may come forward here. If you were to visit the Midlands I would be happy to oblige.

You should visit RVUK website and post there that will spread the word even further. I will post something for you anyway to try to help.
Loads of RV owners near London - where do you stay?

If you're near Heathrow, West London Aero Club at White Waltham (EGLM) is probably your best bet. 6, 6A, 7 & 8 based there, several airline guys and retired guys who could meet you during the week, good clubhouse as well. There are other airfields also - how mobile are you?

The RVForum is a bit slow - the RV Squadron Yahoo group is more active, but membership is required to post.

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Pete, Thanks for the info. I'm with UAL and our hotel is at Marble Arch. I'm thinking maybe I could head out from LHR after arrival then train / tube back into town at night. Might be able to change my hotel to Windsor Martiott near Slough. This month I'm arriving Tue and depart We'd.
Just checked White Waltham. That's the place I always see on final to the 9's at EGLL. I've always thought it looked like a fun airport. Hope to make it out. Let me know of possible contacts.
Yeah, that's right - if you're lucky one of us will pull into the vertical as you go overhead, just to make sure your TCAS is working ;-)

I'm one of the unfortunates who has to work all week to afford my fix at the weekend - Your OP has been posted on RV Sqn, so you should get a few replies.

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Landed 9L at EGLL today. Got vectored north out of Ockham to avoid a pop-up encounter. Y'all sound like a fun bunch.