
Active Member
At page 26-04 at figure 1 there is a call out for 48xK1000-08D (anchor nuts). The diagram shows 24 anchor nuts being fitted to the ramp section. If you count the remaining holes on the upper flanges you get a total of 48 anchor nuts that could be fitted. The plans are specific to rivet anchor nuts to the ramped flanges only. I contacted vans support and queried should I be installing 48 anchor nuts as described in figure 1 (the entire upper flanges) Vans replied the quantity of 48 was a typo and it should read 24 just rivet the anchor nuts to the ramped flange I.e. Use 24 not 48 anchor nuts.
Remember vans shows one side but many times will say the number that will include both sides.
Nearly through with fuselage, waiting on the air conditioner.

Sam Butler
RV 7
rV 7a
RV 10
RV 12
RV 14a