
Well Known Member
So I moved from FL to TX and our illustrious site guru, new neighbor and long time friend DR says "if you don't like the TX weather, wait a day"

Well, I'm waiting...:)


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Current traffic...

....I think I'll stay in also.

Weenies. :)

We drove down from Omaha yesterday, got in late last night and this snow is our thanks?? What a warm TX welcome. It's funny to see people freaking out over half an inch of snow, but I really was hoping for some relief from the cold temps we've been seeing up north lately. Oh well! Right now we're waiting for the realtor to show up, I guess we're looking at air parks today. Maybe we'll leave a snow man in someone's yard.
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Don't stay like this all day Smokey! Go inside! You may want to move to Garden State it's nice and shiny here no bugs. You can fly every day if you want. :)

Yes! My wife is across the street at the supermarket stocking up before the rush. The last time this happened the grocery store looked worse than the day before Thanksgiving. I'm texting her with stuff to get.
Almost there...

Don't stay like this all day Smokey! Go inside! You may want to move to Garden State it's nice and shiny here no bugs. You can fly every day if you want. :)

Vlad, If this keeps up I may be able to copy your NJ TX!


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Don't stay like this all day Smokey! Go inside! You may want to move to Garden State it's nice and shiny here no bugs. You can fly every day if you want. :)

We are trying to figure out what that black thing is leaning on the nose of your plane??:eek:
We are trying to figure out what that black thing is leaning on the nose of your plane??:eek:

Which one Bruce? If it's a small heavy one it's called an icebreaker. For chiseling chocks out. But Smokey don't let it scare you, come... :D


You probably sold all your heavy coats too, eh! Delayed an RV-7 transition training and "get the plane to its new home" X-C to Mckinney till next week. Looked at the forecast, saw freezing rain in Tejas, and opted out. Will holler when we're comin', if your in the area!

Vlad, I know you would still have gone! Siberian blood, eh! ;)


PS: Pretty bad when its colder in Texas than in Reno! :eek:
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You probably sold all your heavy coats too, eh! Delayed an RV-7 transition training and "get the plane to its new home" X-C to Mckinney till next week. Looked at the forecast, saw freezing rain in Tejas, and opted out. Will holler when we're com in', if your in the area!

Vlad, I know you would still have gone! Siberian blood, eh! ;)


PS: Pretty bad when its colder in Texas than in Reno! :eek:

Stop in if you have time! Bring Smokey with ya! Plenty cold here recently, but no ice....yet...should be 80F next week!!

Carry on!
Waiting for Spring . . . .

....I think I'll stay in also.


Hahaha - there was a snow/ice/freezing rain overnight when I left Raleigh to head back to Chillicothe a couple of days ago. Luckily (preparation), I have ice tires, and the locals had 3 (yes 3!) earlier similar storms that week that trained them to stay home. places of 8 lanes wide and one vehicle every 2-3 miles. Easy traffic!

I got out and through the icey roads and back to -8F on the first night back home.

It is not the weather, but the preparation for it. Too bad EVERYBODY has to be prepared or the roads get blocked. Not so in the air traffic system!

Well at least I have (up to) 43F and rain to "improve" things in a few days.
Stop in if you have time! Bring Smokey with ya! Plenty cold here recently, but no ice....yet...should be 80F next week!!

Carry on!


Maybe we can talk you and Smokey, and maybe DR, into meeting us at McKinney?since we're comin' from farther away (Nampa, ID). We'll bring our coats, and hope Smokey can get out of his hangar in Dallas (now there's a phrase you don't use very often!)

Whaddya say?party in McKinney next Saturday? Welcome the new TX RV-ator to the block? Smokey, you're a senior dog holding weekends off in Dallas now, right? ;)

Purty 7, built by Sonny W (lostpilot28), who did some of that cowl temp and pressure testing alongside Dan H. Flies nice!

Here's a shot of new Sonny, Paul D, new owner Larry and me last week, when we went up to do a pre-buy look-see and check-out.



Maybe we can talk you and Smokey, and maybe DR, into meeting us at McKinney?since we're comin' from farther away (Nampa, ID). We'll bring our coats, and hope Smokey can get out of his hangar in Dallas (now there's a phrase you don't use very often!)

Whaddya say?party in McKinney next Saturday? Welcome the new TX RV-ator to the block? Smokey, you're a senior dog holding weekends off in Dallas now, right? ;)

Purty 7, built by Sonny W (lostpilot28), who did some of that cowl temp and pressure testing alongside Dan H. Flies nice!

Here's a shot of new Sonny, Paul D, new owner Larry and me last week, when we went up to do a pre-buy look-see and check-out.



I know there is a '15 year single malt' refreshment awaiting our arrival so it would be great if we had others to share it with!
