
Active Member
It?s been a quiet week here in the Hose/Dye hangar in southeast Texas?.Last Monday, Paul and Louise threw covers over the Val and me, locked the doors, turned out the lights, and left muttering things about a hurricane, Minnesota, and ?that danged Honda Civic?. Being older than the Valkyrie and a computer savvy teenager, I managed to get the internet connection working in the hangar apartment, and we saw that Hurricane Gustav appeared to be heading towards our neighbors to the east. I understood that it was originally threatening us, which is why we were covered up ? hacking into the email, I found that we?d had reservations with the guys up north if we?d had to evacuate, but Paul decided there was no reason for us to go.

It gets lonely in a hangar with nothing but a Norse demi-god for company (the Val takes her ancestral roots seriously, so I humor her?), and while the days came and went, we got more and more frustrated by our lack of exercise. Frankly, we were worried. Louise has been using me to commute to work every day, and the Val rarely sits more than a single day without at least a short acrobatic flight ? yet here we sat with blinders on for seven days! We listened for bad weather, and none came. It?s enough to make you feel unwanted, you know, with our tires getting flat-spotted, and the eight-day clock spinning down and finally stopping. Were we to become like that old raggedy Cessna sitting outside across the runway with flat tires and birds nesting inside removed access covers? Two days ago, I admit, I was pretty depressed and maybe a little frightened!

This morning, however, I heard a car outside on the driveway while it was still dark out. A few hours later, the door opened, and an obviously tired and confused Paul opened the hangar door and peered under our covers, muttering again about ?danged Honda?s, his aching back, and 20 hours on the road??. I am guessing that he wishes that they could have flown! Once he had wandered back out, I logged back in to the hangar computer and hacked into Paul?s study machine, where I discovered the reason or their absence ? a week-long trip to Minnesota. And since Paul doesn?t seem to have posted anything here about it, I guess it is up to us airplanes to spill the beans. So here goes!

Mikey (RV-6) and the Valkyrie (RV-8), along with Bear (intrepid Aviator / Guardian of Louise) and Karst the Wonder Dog (who accompanied them on the trip) wish to announce that at 1630 hours on 6 September 2008, Louise D. Hose and Paul F. Dye were united in Marriage at the little country church on the hill near Verndale, Minnesota. The weather was reported as Winds light and variable, with scattered clouds at 4,000?, visibilities unlimited, with moderate temperatures. No airplanes were present at the ceremony, but the rings were presented in a regulation leather aviation helmet and goggles, lined with a silk scarf. Only immediate family members were present, but a spy bird in the balcony captured this photo:

Hey !!!! Congratulations!!!

That is awesome news ! (And I understand the "old Honda" thing too ;) Got one myself...)

Mikey, thanks for the heads up.

Paul and Louise, or Louise and Paul:D---CONGRATULATIONS.
Well Congrats to both of you. And Louise, Paul almost looks like one of those Hollywood types in that tux! I bet it would of been more fun to fly up to Minnesota. You both look very happy. Enjoy it!
Congrats you guys!

Best wishes for a long, happy and adventure-filled marriage!
Hollywood Type?

And Louise, Paul almost looks like one of those Hollywood types in that tux! I bet it would of been more fun to fly up to Minnesota.

Flying woudl have been fun, but YOU try packign everythign you need for weddign in an RV-7 with two people.....and two airplanes woudl have been a bit "odd" for a wedding....and besides, karst had to come alogn to taste some cool Minnesota air!

Here's a shot of me with the ring bearer and his trusty side-kick...I think he's aiming to look like Rikkenbacker....;)


You guys deserve each other. We can't wait to congratulate you in person one of these fly-in days!!
What a great photo! :cool:
Ahh wonderful!

Congratulations Louse and Paul,

Paul you are a very lucky guy...and Louise cansidering the deal was sweetened mightiy with a very nice RV8 you did great too..:)

But seriously that really is wonderful and crongratulations once again!


Congratulations to you both! I may be mistaken, but didn't you both meet on VAF? Or at least because of the RV world?

Congratulations to both of you! May you have many happy hours on the Hobbs meter! :D
Don Hull
Yep. Blame VAF

Congratulations to you both! I may be mistaken, but didn't you both meet on VAF? Or at least because of the RV world?

I certainly became aware of Paul and his intriguing blend of hard-core pilot/engineer with the romantic writer by reading the VAF. I made a point of meeting him at LOE07, but he was more taken with Ken Krueger who was there at the same time and doesn't remember that meeting! :eek: Fortunately, the 2007 Big Bend Ranch fly-in was the type of event that neither of us could miss and we had a much better opportunity to learn more about each other there.

Doug already received part of his "finder fee" last year with my renewal, but I guess it's time to pay up on the second half. ;)

Thanks to everyone for their good wishes!
Congratulations to you both! But next time ya gotta stop in and say hi when you drive right past my office. ;)

Congratulations to you both! But next time ya gotta stop in and say hi when you drive right past my office. ;)


We thought seriously about it but both passes were in the middle of the night and we wanted to stay on your good side! We thought (and talked) about you and Garmin as we cruised through in the wee hours.
From the West Coast

Louise and Paul,
Congratulations! It is always great to hear of a couple who share a passion for flight, these wonderful RV's, and most of all for each other!
Tailwinds to you both.
Mark & Melissa Ohlau
So Mikey, how is it having a sibling like Val now? Hope there is not too much sibling rivalry :D

Congratulations guys and let the kids keep up their VAF contributions.

That's great news. We've been wondering when it was going to happen.
You know Mikey, when I got married some 39 years ago I got a beautiful wife and her dowry was a 62 Buick that smoked and got about 2 miles to the gallon. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world. I can only imagine what Paul feels like getting someone with the common interest of aviation and you in the deal. I think Louise got a pretty sweet deal too with Val in the deal.:)
Congratulations and I wish you the very best.
Congrats Guys! Since you now both have some common "ground" in good 'ole MinnesOta - when will you be moving back here!?!?!?

Again, good luck you two!

Paul and Louise,
I'll add my congratulations to the list, and extend them in person at Land of Enchantment, too.

Wishing you CAVU conditions forever,

Mr. and Mrs. Dye:

Congratulations!!!! Becky and My best wishes and prayers go with "our own" Newlyweds!!!!!!!!!!

See you at LOE:D

What a fantastic happening. Two wonderful people. Following a dream. May you always have the wind at you back, smooth air under your marriage, and always speak soft words to each other. You two are just two GREAT people.....Congrats!!!!!!!!

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... painting wishing I was flying
Mr. and Mrs. Dye:

Congratulations!!!! Becky and My best wishes and prayers go with "our own" Newlyweds!!!!!!!!!!

See you at LOE:D

Thanks for the wishes and prayers. Paul and I appreciate the thought.

Louise Hose (still, and always) and Paul Dye
Mr. and Mrs.

Oops! The old definition of "assume" rears its head again!!!:eek: Ms Hose and Mr Dye; we all love you guys!!! Best wishes and prayers still!!!:D

I guess I've been outta the loop,I thought you guys were just travellin' buddies!The smiles on your faces leave no doubt about your feelings for each other,and Louise ,is that New Mexico turqoise around your neck?It sure looks like the stuff my wife and mom like to wear..very pretty.
She's a "Keeper"

Ordinarily I would have tried to talk you out of tying the knot, but knowing that you have a "keeper", allow me to add my best wishes to Louise and my heartest congratulations to you. . . . . you lucky guy you.
Best regards,
Bernie Ockuly aka "Smoker"
Strongsville, Ohio
RV7A, N914E, 508 hrs, 1,088 landings, 1,055 rolls sinces 9/11/05
Merging RVators

Congratulations Paul and Louise!

Paul, you look like 007 in that tux! Marthajane and I hope you and Louise find great happiness for the rest of your lives.
We're Trying to Join Your Club...

That is the married club of two RVs and two pilots. We did it backwards (the married part came first) but hope you will approve our membership when the time comes anyway.


Great news

Paul and Louise, Congrats from SoCal. Next time your in Big Bear, lunch
at the Barnstormer Cafe is on me. Wishing you all the best.

Excellent news! Congrats to you both. Now I have two reasons to remember Sep 6, 2008. It was also the day I got my pink slip! See you at LOE.
A 2 RV Family!

Wow a 2 RV family!

Congratulation to Paul and Louise.

Wishing you both all the best.

Mike Draper
Bridgewater, MA
Congratulations to you both

I look forward to seeing you again at a fly-in, Paul, and to meet Louise for the first time in the near future. In the meantime: Congratulations!


It gives me great joy reading about the two of y'all getting married. Being an original member of the Big Bend Van's Calvery Riders , I wish y'all all the best
I was close...

to getting enough information to buzz the wedding RV style! Just didn't have the exact church or time nailed down! It would have been a 10 minute flight from where I was - it would have been appropriate!

to getting enough information to buzz the wedding RV style! Just didn't have the exact church or time nailed down! It would have been a 10 minute flight from where I was - it would have been appropriate!


I actually almost called you Alex, but pining down the exact time was going to be a difficult planning operation, and well....I guess my mind was busy with other things!

Thanks to everyone that has wished us well! When I started posting on VAF several years back, I thought I was just finding good people to communicate and fly with - I never had any idea that it would lead to a new partner for life - which just goes to show that if you keep pounding those rivets, you may "assemble" more than you expect!;)

(As for the "baby" - you'll note that Louise already has the preview pans for the RV-3....:D)

We thought about it!

to getting enough information to buzz the wedding RV style! Just didn't have the exact church or time nailed down! It would have been a 10 minute flight from where I was - it would have been appropriate!


We talked about asking you to buzz the church several times, but we just weren't sure how the timing of the wedding would go as there were a bunch of very young children as attendents and the timeline was purposely kept loose. Thanks for the thought, though.

BTW, Karst enjoyed your neighborhood the entire time while staying at the All Seasons Canine Country Club. She gives it a huge paw up! She's now asking me to move to Minnesota!

Wonderful news for the two of you. Louise, we'll miss you for Soup on Sundays at Campbell.
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