
Well Known Member

I am considering using two PC680's in my RV8A. For those that have done this... where are you mounting the second battery. BTW, the first battery is mounted on the firewall (I am using a light Catto 3 blade prop). Also, the location behind the rear baggage area that is popular won't work since that is where my GRT AHRS is. Because of the light weight front end, I would prefer a forward location.

You might be able to use a tray similar to the stock battery tray and put both batteries side by side. Or, you might mount the second in the well on the right side of the forward baggage compartment. Several people have done this, Randy Lervold has pics on his site.


Thanks for the help. I had seen Randy's setup. However, I have already riveted the bottom forward skin. I would have a hard time reinforcing that area now.

Flyrod, thanks for the picture. It took me a while to locate the second battery. I kept thinking the aft battery was the reflection in the firwall of the forward battery! :rolleyes: Now, I see. That is sort of what I was thinking. I will need to see if my 8A engine mount is the same in this area.
alternate location

Here's where I put mine. I used Van's battery box.




I am considering using two PC680's in my RV8A. For those that have done this... where are you mounting the second battery. BTW, the first battery is mounted on the firewall (I am using a light Catto 3 blade prop). Also, the location behind the rear baggage area that is popular won't work since that is where my GRT AHRS is. Because of the light weight front end, I would prefer a forward location.


First of all, do you really need two PC680 batteries? I have two PC625's in my RV-8 because I have dual Lightspeed electronic ignitions. If you have at least one mag there is no reason to have a second large battery. A very small 12 volt battery can supply backup power to an EFIS in an extreme emergency. I only use one PC625 to start the engine. It has more than enough power. If I had it to do over I think I would go with one mag so I could rid my plane of the extra weight of that second battery.
First of all, do you really need two PC680 batteries?


If I had it to do over I think I would go with one mag so I could rid my plane of the extra weight of that second battery.

I was thinking the same thing. My "Six A" porked out at 1172 lbs., and now I have to think of ways to dump the extra weight. It seems that when it's sitting on the scales, that you start thinking...........geeze, I wish I hadn't added this and that... :D

I do know that some extra weight is in my six pac panel and vac system, though.
