
Well Known Member
I may be behind everyone else, but I just came upon a spray can two-part epoxy primer...Rubber Seal #RS-587 and Rustoleum $247597. Even Sears has it via the internet. Its a bit pricy ( I found some for $17.64/can, mostly others ask $20 to even $30/can.) The reason I purchased some is that I can use Poly Fiber Aerothane over it since the Aerothane requires an epoxy undercoat primer.

The spray can has a plunger that you use to puncture one of the two inside containers, so the two parts then mix. It doesn't cover as lot, and the cost is not so good, but for smaller jobs it makes sense.

Flame away !!!
Thanks for the info


It does sound a bit pricy! But it might be worth it at times. Do you have a link?
Sears on line and look for Rustoleum #247597, or
or do a search for the Rustoleum number and get 15 or more sources.

The Reliablepaper was the least expensive I found at $17.64/can, but with a minimum of 7 cans...which fortunately is about what I needed.