
Well Known Member
I've decided that I really have no need to turn on the taxi and landing lights separately, and I'd like to use one SPST switch to turn them both on at the same time.

Doing it this way would mean splicing two wires off the switch. Would the standard 10A fuse at the bus protect the wires adequately?

Others done this?

I would use a two circuit switch and feed it with two fuses, one for each light. That way, if a fuse blew, it would only take out one light. I believe the switch is called a DPST.

Good Luck,
Tom, RV-7A, N175TJ, Flying
Chad, like Tom says use a double pole switch. I used a 2 pole 3 position switch, ON-ON-ON. The down position is OFF because it is not connected. I wired it so the middle position is taxi light and up position is both taxi light and landing light.

Each light has it's own fuse.

Both lights for landing or recognition, then when you're on the ground just the taxi light.

Chad, you need a DPDT switch. I have a DPDT ON-ON-ON switch wired to both lights: off, wigwag, and on. I have both lights wired via separate fuses.
I don't want to buy another DPDT switch...already have one for my battery/alterntor needs. Too much $$ for a stinkin' switch...

I have a separate switch and a wig wag box, but I'm not sure I'm gonna use it yet.

So with a DPST (S700-2-3) switch, I can wire them with two fuses, and either both on, or both off?
Just realized another problem since I have to go to two fuses...I am out of room on my main bus. I could move the transponder to the main bus, which would open up two slots on the e-bus. I don't see a need to have lights on the e-bus, but don't really care where the transponder goes. What about moving the landing and taxi lights to the battery bus? Anybody see a problem with that? Would basically mean that those lights could be turned on anytime, but does that really matter?

EDIT: Nevermind...problem solved! RV people are FREAKIN' GREAT!!!
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Being a tail dragger, you will really want the ability to turn the lights on and off independently.

The reason is that one is pointed at the ground while taxiing, typically the left light. The right one is pointed more or less parallel with the wing. This means you are going to shine it into the eyes of anyone you taxi by at night.

I would order the switch now because later on you will replace it, after being requested to turn off your lights and taxiing around in the dark.
OR you could stay with the one switch idea.

That's my plan. I'm only putting lights on mine for recognition and in order to be night legal, in case I need a predawn launch or dusk return. I don't do single engine night flying in the mountains, so I will plan my flights accordingly.

Being a tail dragger, you will really want the ability to turn the lights on and off independently.

The reason is that one is pointed at the ground while taxiing, typically the left light. The right one is pointed more or less parallel with the wing. This means you are going to shine it into the eyes of anyone you taxi by at night.

I would order the switch now because later on you will replace it, after being requested to turn off your lights and taxiing around in the dark.
Day/VFR though...I plan to aim both of them to be recognition lights only really...

OR you could stay with the one switch idea.

That's my plan. I'm only putting lights on mine for recognition and in order to be night legal, in case I need a predawn launch or dusk return. I don't do single engine night flying in the mountains, so I will plan my flights accordingly.
I agree there Brian! Night flying has its risks (AND BIG rewards), but add mountains...yikes! :eek: