
Hi all, I have a bit of problem, I have an RV6A slow build that had been started by another fella, his work has proven to be quite tidy until I came to build the right wing . Both spars are built and the left wing is basicly clecoed together (ribs only). here is the problem the right wing spar is really good except the tie down has been fitted upside down (an eyebolt through the top of the wing would be a bit unsightly) has any one buggered this up and come up with a fix, to just turn it around would mean a lot of holes in a high stress area as well as a large hole top and bottom of the spar (the hole in the top extends into the roll 0of the bend ), hoping for some help ,cheers Mat
I'd order a new top skin, as they've been pre-punched for the "6's" for at least 12 years that I know of. But then I live much closer to Van's.

L.Adamson -- RV6A
The skins haven't been done so it's all hidden at this point , it's just a matter of keeping the structural integrity of the spar that concerns me ,Mat
The skins haven't been done so it's all hidden at this point , it's just a matter of keeping the structural integrity of the spar that concerns me ,Mat

You can call Van's to make sure.........

But since it's the spar "flange" that would have the hole, I quite sure that there won't be a problem. Even a doubler could be fitted if it really needed it. I'm assuming that the "spar" itself, only has the threaded tie down hardware bolted to it.
The major issue is the hole in the top of the spar. The skin is easily replaced. In a normal installation, the tie down hole is on the bottom spar flange, and it is the bottom flange that is subject to more tension stress than the top flange (+6G but only -3G) so I think you would be OK. A consult with Ken Krueger is definitely in order though.

There are all sorts of ways to bugger the non-pre-drilled kits, aren't there???

Edit: I see you are in Australia. Perhaps the builder put the tie down holes on top on purpose, since you are on the opposite side of the earth and thus upside down?
Thanks for the input it should be fine onceI work out prop/ground clearances with the gear sticking through the canopy,should be clear flying.

I talked to someone at vans but theyweren't to sure of a fix. I was concerned with having two holes(large)at the top and bottom of the spar in the same station, the best I can come up with is to fit a piece of 50x12mm flat aluminium and remove top and bottom rivets beside the existing tiedown , then fit the wider section using the holes from the stuffup and using 3/16 bolts to replace the rivets, it would move the tiedown out ward but it may not be to noticable ( especially if I place some smileys nearby to distract).
Any thoughts ,,,,,,,,