
Well Known Member
It has been said that building a RV consist of a 1000 projects, well I got two down and 998 more to go. The vertical and rudder has been done, well minus the fiberglass part. But it has been a lot of fun so far.

Will begin with the HS in the next day or so
Not very far ahead of you. Previous builder did the VS and I did the rudder. Jumped to the elevators and am starting to drive some rivets there. HS next.

Developing a taste for elephant! :D

We had a cold day in the hangar many years back and needed to stay busy with out handling cold meatal, so we counted rivets for a little fun. Just rivets in the 8 came out to around 15,000. We figured we had visited each one of those holes at least some 5 times to drill, de-burr, and so-on. Those were just the factory rivets of a slow build. Welcome to the club, you are on the right track, it is worth it, even if you add a few more steps and rivets along the way. Yours, R.E.A. III # 80888