
Well Known Member
I was cleaning out my hangar and found a stack of my old RV8R Newsletters. Blast from the past! The cover of this one was the month I bought my RV4 tail kit, March 89'. The RV3 is from my home state (AL) the Four from some "lesser" state...

Two best RV's ever designed? I think so...

Time Flies :)


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Nice post Smokey. I hope to build a 3 or 4 after my 10 is done and flying. I'd love to have one for solo outings (or perhaps quality time with the wife=RV4).. We'll see how that plays out..

Does anyone else know Bob Larcel in the RV-3? I met him In 1981, when I saw him taxing at HIO I followed him to his hanger. He had 1400 hrs on that scratch built 3 at that time. When he opened the hanger to show me his 3 it was hanging up side down from cables attached to the crank hub and the tail wheel stinger. He had made wet wings and the tanks weren't removable, he had a leak and was "sloshing" the tank. What a prolific builder and pilot. Don't know if he is even still around.

I definitely know that I love flying my -4 more than any other RV I've flown... have the Rocket itch but don't think I'm going to scratch it with fuel prices going the way they are.
Back in the day...

Does anyone else know Bob Larcel in the RV-3? What a prolific builder and pilot. Don't know if he is even still around.


The Three pilot is actually Frank Smith Sr. He and his son flew around together quite a bit in the 80's and early 90's. Haven't heard from either in awhile. I too met Bob Larcel at the North Plains homecoming in 92', great guy. Bob Brashears was another prolific RV guy from "That whole nuther country" Chris:) Heard Bob sold all his RV's, built a nice Tailwind and moved on.

Yep, I miss my Rocket but any RV is better than none.


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A little drift

I look at your cover with the homey smoke RVator title and I remember the ones I used to get in the mail ... sigh

Bob Axsom