All four generators out? It seems impossible. Maybe wiring...

Anyway, I'm planning L60 and SD-20 alternators AND EFIS and engine monitor batteries back-up. Not to say analogic airspeed, altimeter and VSI and 12 hours or so Garmin 296 endurance.

My real problem will be ice. I think we could not face ice.
Therma Wing on wings and prop, silicone coating (pdf link) on everything else, heated pitot ( and heated pilot ;) ), heated stall sensor, heated canopy. What other equipment would you need to face ice?

Another pilot braver (crazier?) than myself to fly the airplane while I sit at home and monitor it's track online. I'll equip the airplane for a lot of stuff - but that doesn't mean I'll intentionally launch into it. Ice beyond a trace is a "get outta here now" situation for me.