
Active Member
Is there an issue with using a twisted pair for power? I am wiring a 430W and it requires two 22 gauge power wires. I have a bunch of twisted pair wire left over and want to use it for power and ground. This won't create some crazy electromagnetic resonance issues (I obviously don't have a clue here) will it?

Thank you for the response. Just to clarify, I would be using one twisted pair for the power and a separate twisted pair for the ground. So both power wires are twisted together and both ground wires are twisted together. Sorry I didn't make that clear in my original post.
Better option is to use each twisted pair for power/ground. The reason pairs are twisted for signal/data use (still an out/return) is that it helps cancel any induced noise. It is possible (though more difficult) to induce noise onto a power wire, so if you've got 'em, use the advantage.