
I'm New Here
Hi, Fitting twin voyager pannels to my rv7 and unable to get any information on to my second (slave) screen, the main screen is ok, ive checked out the setup menu with no joy and even swaped screens but the problem stays with the right screen, any thoughts. john
Hi John,
I've got the same setup as you. Can you elaborate more on what your problem is? I'm not sure I understand. Also, keep in mind that the Master/Slave functionality is dictated by how you plug the USB cable into each unit. You should be using a USB Printer cable, which has one flat plug and one "square" plug. The flat end goes into the Master, while the square end goes into the Slave. If you have it setup this way, it should just work.
Hi, Fitting twin voyager pannels to my rv7 and unable to get any information on to my second (slave) screen, the main screen is ok, ive checked out the setup menu with no joy and even swaped screens but the problem stays with the right screen, any thoughts. john

Can you elaborate a bit, not sure I understand what "no information" means exactly. Does it mean the screen stays dark or is the screen working but something or other is not displaying ?

I recommend you join the new MGL user forum - it's a friendly place with a lot of very knowledgeable MGL systems users that are always ready to jump in and help or give advice. The forum is completely independent from the company MGL Avionics and has been setup and is run by a group of MGL users. Of course I'm a MGL user myself so I also chip in (but I'm not a moderator, just an ordinary user).
You will also find a lot of useful resources there such as user contributed maps and navidata files.

CEO MGL Avionics