
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
There's nothing like a mid-morning flight when you don't have to be in to the office until early afternoon! Louise had to leave early in the morning, so I slept in a little (preparing for a late night myself), got up, wandered in to the hangar and did a little fiberglass work on the new wheel pants for the -6. When the morning scud had lifted, I figured it was time to clear my head, so off I went into the wild blue. A few short minutes to clear the Class B, then up and over for some clearing rolls, followed by a couple of loops, inverted parabolic flight, and a barrel roll - or three. I finished off with a split S back under the airspace, pointed straight for home.

Shutting down with 20 more minutes on the clock, I noticed the Totalizer had used less than three gallons of gas. I'll be busy for the next 14 days at work, so it was nice to relax beside the Val in my chair for a few minutes, quietly contemplating the magic of flight. With the vagaries of weather and life, you never know when you'll get the next chance to become one with your plane.

It's amazing how well a short flight can get me centered and settled.

Off to the office - got bigger stuff to fly!;)

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