
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
April 4, 2019. Issue #4,795

Anniversary. 12 years ago today my wife and I took a leap of faith and I left the corporate world to run as our family's primary source of income. As it turned out only a few months before the economic meltdown of 2008 (ugh). Still mildly freaked out about this hanging it all out solo thing, and always, ALWAYS wondering about the bills getting paid, but I'm still glad we did it. I've met a thousand people I'd never have had the chance to meet, and I'm a better person for it. And so grateful...

And thank you again to all the folks that help keep it online, and my family fed.

Doug (and Susie, Audrey and Tate....and Moondog)​
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Well done, Doug and Susan

Thanks for daring the dream, Doug and Susan. We, and our RVs, are all the better for it. Congratulations!
So glad you took the leap!

I?ve read the site since the early days. It?s been a wonderful resource of facts and friends!

Congrats on the anniversary

Thank you for VAF!


I just wanted to echo what the others said. This is such a great forum. I am forever grateful I found it. I am more grateful you did all the hard work and took the leap of faith to make it real.

Keep up the great work.

Thanks Doug! The site has been a wealth of knowledge and entertainment for most of those years (brief hiatus). I started following/posting in 2006 (had an older user name that I forgot about until I found it in a search- S4lorne).

I will also echo others. Thanks for taking the leap and starting this site. It provides a wealth of information and motivation. I don't think I would have started my build without this site. Thanks again!
Doug and family,

Thanks for your dedication.
I remember those first few years.

You are knocking it out of the park now.


Vans Air Force is the reason that I am an RV owner. :)

Me too! I think, without VAF, Vans would have fewer people building their planes. In fact, I think fewer people would be building experimentals of any type, without VAF. VAF gives builders a place to go for support and community, even if they aren't building a Vans.

In my opinion, Doug, you and your family have helped to grow not only the Vans community, but the experimental aviation community as a whole. Even the sites for other experimentals and GA type clubs now emulate VAF in many ways. You should be rewarded many times over for your efforts. I think it's a shame more people, who regularly visit your site, don't pony up more dough to help the cause. I, for one, think it's worth every penny!

My RV4 has been flying for years and I still visit this site daily. I can't imagine building an RV without this resource. Thanks for all your work.

Cameron Smith
RV4 serial #68
Thank you

I can say that without a doubt, this site was the main reason I decided to get in to the RV world. I think this is true for many people that frequent this site. Not only has a been a wealth of knowledge but its become a common platform for everyone to share their passion across the globe. In my opinion, it's best form of brother and sisterhood of any hobby or passion that I've ever seen.

Thank you for taking the leap. I sincerely wish that this site continues to support you and your family for many years to come so you can continue to do what you love and we can continue to share the ride with you.

[ed. Thank you Sir! Those are very kind words, and I'll do my best to keep bringing you a good product.

And thank you also to the rest of the folks who chimed in with such wonderfully kind comments. I'm Blessed.

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