
Well Known Member
I would like to give a huge A+ to Jan Bussell for the most excellent dual training he gave me over the past few days. 10 hours of intense training in a little over two days is tough!

Jan and I were able to complete my TW endorsement and the insurance dual time required by most underwritters I have been quoted insurance by.

For anyone within range of Jan (Okeechobee, FL area) who needs TW or transition training, I highly recommend him. He has both a RV6 and RV6A at his disposal for instruction.

Jan is a super nice guy and seems to really know his stuff. He is super comfortable working with the RV platform and will challenge you I guarantee!
Brian, Congrats on the TW endorsement. It is a great accomplishment to add to your log book. Definately makes you a better pilot.
second that

I'll second that. Jan gave my a checkout for insurance for my 7A--very nice gentleman and excellent instructor. Even when my flying made me nervous, he was calm and cool!!!! Since have moved up to -10, but he helped get me started!! larry b.
Welcome to the club Brian and well done! whatn't no big deal, was it?!?! Now you're going to have to learn how to continue to perpetrate the tailwheel myth!

Kind of like telling new builders how miserable it is to cut the canopy when in reality it's a non-event.....but as one who's "been there done that", you're expected to help keep the story going! :)

Congratulations, Brian.....

.....but just remember.....groundloops.......there are those that have and those that will:eek: Last week, every landing had a 90 deg crosswind at 10 or better and gusting. I d##n near looped it a couple of times, sliding the downwind wheel to stay straight when the rudder ran out, even with only 10-15 deg of flaps and wheel landing it.

Again, congrats,
:D I will try not to let you down!

Brian, remember now, it is kinda like the secret handshake. We look at each other, slight nod of the head and go into the well practiced...."well, it is different......", fine line but we have to talk the talk;)

Congrats!! Pretty fun stuff, eh! Welcome to the club, as others have said...and rememeber, embellishment of TW stories is not's expected!! :D (Stein and Dana, you guys crack me up!)

I did a couple flights with Jan too, and he's a great guy. High standards and works ya out, but very patient and instructive. Can't tell it from the pic below, but I'm pretty sure my t-shirt was pasted to my back (well, it was Florida!) ;) Figured I'd toss in a pic of Jan (he's the big guy...the one not sweating!)


Congrats again!

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jan took me up last christmas week. could only spend an hr.5. great guy!
got my tw cert july 08 in my citabria. building a 7 now instead of 7a! tail wheeler all the way!
Jan's a great guy. I did my transistion training with him 2 1/2 years ago. I've already contacted him about my TW endorsement in the event I do go to the dark side with my 7 conversion.:eek: