Jim Lewellyn

Well Known Member
Me and a couple of friends will be heading out to CA for a few days of aerobatic training at the Tutima Academy http://www.tutimaacademy.com/. They have two Pitts S2C's and an Extra 300. I already have some time in an S2, so I am hoping to fly the Extra.

Have any of you trained there?
Have fun

A few years ago, back when it was still the Sean D Tucker School of Aerobatic flight I trained with Ken Erickson. Ben Freelove and I both competed in their S-2C, after which he went on to become one of their instructors and airshow pilots. Ken, Ben and Bill are all really great guys and excellent instructors. You'll have a great time. Send them my regards.

BTW... Ben's girlfriend owns an RV-6 which he tells me he loves to fly.
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Say, Brad......

.....How far (in hours) is it from 'Vegas to their school? I'll be in Vegas 2nd week of December for our National Ag Aviation convention and might just get a few refresher aero hours.

Thanks Brad......

A few years ago, back when it was still the Sean D Tucker School of Aerobatic flight I trained with Ken Erickson. Ben Freelove and I both competed at the in their S-2C, after which he went on to become one of their instructors and airshow pilots. Ken, Ben and Bill are all really great guys and excellent instructors. You'll have a great time. Send them my regards.

BTW... Ben's girlfriend owns an RV-6 which he tells me he loves to fly.

I will let them know that you said hello. I knew with such a diverse group as we have on VAF that there had to be someone familiar Tutima. I can't wait to fly with them. I will let you know how it goes.
Excellent Training!

I just got back from two days of upset recovery/aerobatic training at the Tutima Academy. I flew with Ken Erikson, and Ben Freelove. These two gentlemen are two of the best instructors I have ever flown with! If you have been considering similar training, I highly recommend Tutima. Although we flew a Pitts S2C, and an Extra 300, Ken and Ben spent considerable time comparing/contrasting the flight characteristics of these two planes to the RV (Ben has experience in an RV-8, and an RV-6, and Ken in an RV-4).

I got my private ticket almost 12 years ago. I have flown roughly 750 hours in those 12 years. It is simply amazing how little that I really understood about those areas of flight that are not taught to most student pilots (Spins and spin recovery). I have had spin training a few times over the last 12 years, but it just never really sunk in to my weak brain, and I was never fully comfortable with my ability to deal with a spin. So as many (or most) pilots do, I just avoided spins. The way that Ken and Ben teach this area of flight makes it soooo simple to comprehend. They helped me to become VERY comfortable with spins and spin recovery. They also taught me the proper techniques for rolls, loops, wing over?s, half Cubans (the stuff that RV's can do) and more. This training was just fantastic......as you may notice, I am still a bit pumped!

It stinks to be back to work, but I need to earn some money for 100LL! :D