
Well Known Member
I need a method to turn on (and off) my crankcase heater. I was told in an EAA meeting that Verizon has such a device. I just got off the phone with Verizon and they say they do not. Keep in mind there is no wi-fi what-so-ever near the hangar, so this device must communicate with a cell phone tower and I assume it will have it's own phone number. Been hunting and hunting on the internet and cannot find one.

So I remembered Van's airforce and I figured you guys would have the answer.

By the way, leaving it on 24/7 is not going to happen, as has been suggested by my technical friends.

Thanks guys..
SwitchBox Control

I used one of these for 4-years.

I gave it to a friend when I moved as I now have 18-steps to my hangar and hangar is on the same WiFi network as my house. Yes I have a WiFi switch that I can now turn it on and off with.

The SwitchBox Control worked great and I had great communication with the owner. Using a T-Mobile SIM card it only cost $3/month to operate. The unit I had was an older 2G unit that is NOT upgradeable.

IF you are technically inclined like I am, you can build your own with parts you buy on the Internet but I did not have an issue paying a little more for a Turn Key system complete with App to operate it.
Thanks, I just ordered it...

I just ordered it... I am not clear as to who or how I send the monthly fees, but I am sure it will be explained when I get the package...

I just hope some one else doesn't tell me about some other device that costs half as much. This was $300...
What is an API?

Application Programming Interface.

It allows developers to write code that works with an application without having the vendor's source code. The vendor would provide documentation on the API functionality.
Another $0.02 worth ....

Switchbox works great and support from Phillip is absolutely top notch. Anytime I've emailed a question to him, I get an answer within a matter of hours.
I have the same problem at my hanger, no wi-fi, I purchased the Regal Remote from Spruce last fall ($295). Performed great this past (very cold) winter, 2 outlets for my -7 and my hanger partners -8. Includes a nice app to active either or both outlets. You need AT&T service available, and signal is sent via text message with a reply that switch is activated. You can pay as you go or $70/yr. unlimited. Usually turn it on before I go to bed, and oil temps around 85F when I arrive in the AM. Owner Karl Bumpers provides great tech support.
Search the archives on here, there are a couple of DIY options that are very cheap. Apogee kits is one that costs about $20, although you have to purchase a throw-away cell phone for another $20 or so for each season.

I moved this thread from the RV-10 Forum to the RV General Discussion/News Forum because I thought all RV owners/operators would be interested in this topic.
+1 for alternate

Since we're experimenters.....

This is same box the Switchbox sells, but you have to set it up and configure it yourself. But you save quite a bit of $$$$.


Yep have been using this alternative for the last 5+ years to run both a pan heater and a 1000W car warmer under the cowl. With a 2 hr call ahead and a cowl blanket and nose plugs and the engine and oil would be at 100F no matter how cold my unheated hanger was.
I have the same problem at my hanger, no wi-fi, I purchased the Regal Remote from Spruce last fall ($295). Performed great this past (very cold) winter, 2 outlets for my -7 and my hanger partners -8. Includes a nice app to active either or both outlets. You need AT&T service available, and signal is sent via text message with a reply that switch is activated. You can pay as you go or $70/yr. unlimited. Usually turn it on before I go to bed, and oil temps around 85F when I arrive in the AM. Owner Karl Bumpers provides great tech support.

+1 Just got the basic "U-Phone-It" unit via Spruce. Carl was extremely helpful today with a set up glitch. The sim card company had updated a config in transit and a quick power recycle fixed it. The $70/yr GSM service seems hard to beat.

Happy not to spend that hour round trip for setting a timer, or two hours if/when weather deteriorates.
You might consider trading off the higher purchase cost & operating cost of a cell-tower connected switch with the energy used by one of these:

Even says they're ideal for RV's!!!

These are a terrible idea for engine heaters. Someone stuck one on our club's 172's block heater. I came out to fly and the engine wasn't warm. Reason was, a block heater draws a fair amount of current, which warmed up the ThermoCube, triggering it to turn off the engine heater. This cycled for who knows how long till I threw it out.
These are a terrible idea for engine heaters. Someone stuck one on our club's 172's block heater. I came out to fly and the engine wasn't warm. Reason was, a block heater draws a fair amount of current, which warmed up the ThermoCube, triggering it to turn off the engine heater. This cycled for who knows how long till I threw it out.

Interesting! I have used mine for 7 years with no issues like you describe, although I can see how that might happen. I suppose it might depend on how many amps your heater draws. Since this switch is closed all the time that the ambient temp is below 35 degrees, I use a lower power heater and it keeps my engine at about 55 degrees minimum with a cowl blanket and cowl plugs installed. No need for a high power heater if you use one of these - a 60W light bulb will do. Annual cost to run this way is about 10 or 20 dollars, and the plane is always ready to go.

One other benefit of this approach is that the engine is almost always significantly warmer than the air, so condensation on cold internal engine components on a humid day is unlikely to result.