
Well Known Member
I have been calling the FAA, but cannot get any direction as to a recommended max mowing height for safe operations into/out of turf runways.

Any help would be appreciated. We manage a grass airport, and the runway mowing has become an issue of contention. Yes, we have RV's leasing hangar space.


From the British Civil aviation authority: https://publicapps.caa.co.uk/docs/33/20130121SSL12.pdf


I found some helpful information in here when I was preparing the transition training materials...the second document the source document for some of the runway condition information in the performance section (including turf effects on performance). The first document discusses maximum recommended grass height.

If you have trouble with the link, drop me a PM and I'll send you a PDF.

I'm not familiar with an equivalent US document, but if you find one--please post a link!

Fly safe,

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Sounds like the start of another primer wars thread. :) Too many variables to give one answer. What kind of grass? What planes? How anal are the pilots about those nasty grass stains?

You can handle pretty tall grass in most RVs, due to great power/weight. An 85hp Swift? Pray for no trees on departure end.

Sounds like the start of another primer wars thread. :) Too many variables to give one answer. What kind of grass? What planes? How anal are the pilots about those nasty grass stains?

You can handle pretty tall grass in most RVs, due to great power/weight. An 85hp Swift? Pray for no trees on departure end.


C-185, C-172, 1946 Ercoupe, C-150, RV8, 1946 Fairchild, replica P-51D Mustang.
Grass? Some Bermuda, rye, fescue, various broadleaf grasses, weeds, etc.

I figured 3 to 3.5" is about as tall as we want to go.
Realize "the height of the cut becomes the minimum grass height". If you cut it to 3.5" it will only be 3.5" on the day you cut it. After that, it is more.

I cut my runway to 2-1/4", 7 days ago. I left for a 5 day trip. I returned to land on 4" grass.
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There are many factors, but the two issues with tall grass tend to be drag and grass stains, with the stains being the bigger point of concern for most owners. I mow my runway at 2.5" 1 time a week. On really hot weeks the grass does not grow, but weeds do, so I mow it even if it does not look like it is needed. When I mowed at 3.5" to try to keep healthier turf I was usually getting some complaints by the end of the week.
I loved landing the Swift at Tripple Tree (SC00) where the runway is irrigated, and mowed when it gets ove 1/4 inch. :D
At TS07 we have Bermuda with irrigation and its one inch or less. Occasional weeds may be taller. Find your local golf course greens keeper and talk to him about type of grass and maintenance schedule for chemicals and fertilizer.
Nice thing about grass is I could see the center mold seperation line on my tires until after about 300 hours.
Looks like the range of 2.5" to 3.5" is the most common, for safety reasons as well as grass stain avoidance.
Just saw the thread on weed control. I have always been under the impression that frequent mowing was the best answer.