
Well Known Member
I had the pleasure to fly over to TurboNation at KSUA :D

"The TurboNator" This is a cool Turbine Helicopter!

I haven't had the opportunity to tour around Stuart, FL so was very lucky to have a very knowledgable local tour guide ;)

Thanks for the fun day Turbo!
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If you look closer at his brand new hangar floor you notice a large slightly discolored spot right in the middle. That's where I spilled a gallon of precious gas two years ago :D
Yes, Turbo told you spilled 15 minutes of V-Lad cruising time!

I told him you were marking your territory :D
never met a pilot and wife i didn't like continues. a great day. thanks for coming over to visit. i think Vanessa had a fun time too.

and the rv is a work of art! WOW! named after there dog, i like it.

ill be over to naples to visit next fall.

so here we are cruising along in the car and the phone rings in on a strange #. we pick it up and here is mr vaf himself, DR, calling in. we are working on some thing that may be good for =VAF=. we will see....:)
Turbo is a great welcoming committee. I have experienced it several times. He always has great places to fly to, eat and drink. I'll be back next year to visit as well..
Kinger, smiling jack relocated from your home area in ny. Small world.

On there departure from stuart we timed it right. when they left to taxi out I fired up the turbine and departed from the hangar east bound off runway 12. John departed 12 and got notified on low level heli traffic. About 30 seconds later smilin jack comes up my right side and banks left 70 degrees and passes in front of me, right to left. Nice one john. The T+ Are starting to pop up in Florida about now. How was the flight home? :)

Toast to all rvers out there! Cranberry and club soda. Good to go.

A little engine noise thrown in for good measure.....
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Got'a love the GDL39!

I had to navigate this monster :D

Between foreflight on the ground being able to see the TRW over Lake Okeechobee and then getting airborne and keeping a close eye on the TRW over Ft. Myers the only next issue was this unexpected ground fire:

Then, as I flew around that one I had to fly around another building fire on downwind!

So I felt I really should checkout by beach house to be sure it was ok ;)

now tell me, it was about 11am and the scud was burning off, or were you practicing for your Alaskan trip? here is some sunshine. planning on arriving on this sunday with the r44. a few days at 14A norman island NC before heading north. ;) OK, I GO.
Safe travels my friend. I'll be headed south from Ohio in a few days. Maybe we can get together when you come back for your -6a. Sharky's or Sebring. I haven't flown for a month and can't wait. :)