
Well Known Member
I just read Jeff Skiles account in the June issue of EAA magazine of ferrying this year's EAA Sweepstakes RV-12 from Oregon to Oshkosh and learned that the airplane is turbocharged with folding wings. I shoulda built mine with those features!

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I learned a long time ago: don't believe everything you see in print.

In college I was a nuke engineer grad student. Our Professor had played a minor role on the Manhattan Project. He told us that after Nagasaki they were in a holding pattern. A lot of young physicists and engineers realized they were sitting in Los Alamos with the discoverers and best minds of nuclear physics and engineering. He told me they asked Oppenheimer, Szilard and Fermi to give them lectures. They agreed and one of the students said "you should take these notes you teach from and publish them." One of the icons told him, "No. When you put it in print people believe it!" A sign of the times and cutting edge tech, and a truism that endures!