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Is it possible to put a TIO-540 in an RV-10 without major modifications? I'm not really looking for the 300HP output, but something derated to 230-260 HP, like what's in the turbo Aztec or C-182T. Thanks!
Link to article

rvbuilder2002 said:
Here is a link to an article about why turbocharged engines in the RV-10 are not recommended.

Also, if you do a search in this forum using "turbo", you will find a lot of discussion on the subject.

Seems pretty straightforward. As density altitude climbs, Vne and Vno decrease. So if you maintain the same indicated airspeed as you climb, you're actually getting closer to Vne.

Now let's look at a different strategy: Adjusting pitch & power to maintain a constant true airspeed as you climb.

So let me ask a few more questions:

What's the Vne on the -10? I've read somewhere 230 MPH, but I can't confirm it.

What altitude does that Vne limit apply to? Sea level? The service ceiling? Somewhere in between?

Is the Vne on the -10 actually IAS or TAS?
rcaligan said:
What's the Vne on the -10? I've read somewhere 230 MPH, but I can't confirm it.

What altitude does that Vne limit apply to? Sea level? The service ceiling? Somewhere in between?

Is the Vne on the -10 actually IAS or TAS?

After re-reading the article, it appears the Vne for the RV-10 is 230 mph TAS. At sea level, TAS and IAS are basically the same thing, at 20,000' the Vne is still 230 TAS but the IAS is somewhere around 168 mph.