
Well Known Member
Hello TurboCAD heads!

I'm using TurboCAD Deluxe 14.2 to draw up my schematics and I'm making judicial use of
blocks to reuse parts.

Problem is: I'll edit a block, move the reference point (refpt), then save the
block. When I go to use the block, the refpt defaults to the original location when
the part was created. If I re-edit the block, the refpt is where it was when I
last saved it. All the docs/tutorials say that this should work but it isn't.
Any ideas how to get around this (preferably rather easy)?

I'm getting the same behavior here. Looks like a definite bug.

Turbocad's support site shows an update for 14.2 PRO (not Deluxe) that addresses this bug specifically.

Only thing I can suggest if you need to change block reference points a lot is insert the block, change the ref point, then make it into a new block.
If v14 uses...

...the same terminology as v11 (most likely), then one option is to make a symbol sheet and use the "group" function, followed by the "edit reference point" selection. This is even somewhat easier than creating a block library.

Then a copy from the symbol sheet and a paste to the schematic sheet you are working on works well.

Do you want a sheet of symbols and Bob N's Z-11 schematic in TurboCAD symbol form?

I found a 1/4 inch "snap to" grid and an 11 x 17 sheet size works well, and is readable when reduced and printed on a standard US letter size printer.
Turbocad's support site shows an update for 14.2 PRO (not Deluxe) that addresses this bug specifically.

Only thing I can suggest if you need to change block reference points a lot is insert the block, change the ref point, then make it into a new block.

Hi Jonathan,

Yea, I saw that to up on TC's site and thought it would have been fixed in Deluxe. I guess not. That's one way for folks to upgrade, isn't it?

I tried what you suggested and that seemed to have worked. I may go with that. Just for a little more frustration, I experimented (but I did not inhale) with symbols. Problem with symbols, among others things, is that once you put a symbol in the library, you can't edit it (unless you open another window and go through those motions). I'm definitely getting a better handle on blocks vs symbols.
...the same terminology as v11 (most likely), then one option is to make a symbol sheet and use the "group" function, followed by the "edit reference point" selection. This is even somewhat easier than creating a block library.

Then a copy from the symbol sheet and a paste to the schematic sheet you are working on works well.

Do you want a sheet of symbols and Bob N's Z-11 schematic in TurboCAD symbol form?

I found a 1/4 inch "snap to" grid and an 11 x 17 sheet size works well, and is readable when reduced and printed on a standard US letter size printer.

Hi Gil,

A couple weeks back you shared you're symbol sheet with me and that has worked out great. Thank you. I purchased TC some time ago to wrap my head around some basic CAD concepts for other projects. A lot of this is a learning experience (just like building an airplane :D ). I found blocks to be quite useful but this little stumbling block is irritating at best.
Explode - move - recreate block

I haven't tried this but if you explode the block first, then move the ref point, then reassemble the block it might stay where you want it.
I haven't tried this but if you explode the block first, then move the ref point, then reassemble the block it might stay where you want it.

I'd use caution with this one. Yes it works, but when you create a block your defining it. If you explode the block and then redefine it all the blocks that are the named the same will update to the new block definition. If it's only one then no problem, but if more, lets say a breaker, and you change it and keep the same block name then all those named blocks will change.