
Well Known Member
Since this seems like control linkage day at VAF, here is my question. TruTrak specifies the roll servo in an RV8 to be under the seat pan in the fuselage attached to the torque tube. Why not mount it out in the wing with the same hardware as they use for the -7 (same exact wing)? This is my question. Is there a reason for the fuselage mount as opposed to the wing mount specifically on the -8?

In my -9 it is in the wing and I like it there :).
I have EVERYTHING in my fuselage(servos, magnetometers, AHRS, etc) Scott, because I could do all-up, integrated system testing in my garage, without the wings mounted. I knew that everything worked before I ever took the plane to the airport and introduced it to the wings. Servo maintenance under the seat is much easier (in my opinion) than laying upside down and working through a little access hole.....

wing mounted servo

I put one of the very early TruTrak Digitrak units in with the servo in the wing of my RV6 as TT did in their first installation on their RV9. It mounted fine and works well but I did the installation with the wing off in the shop where I could successfully remove & reinstall the servo easily enough through the only inspection hole while the lower skin was held in place with clecos. After riveting the skin, replacement of the servo was still doable but after hanging the wings and looking the installation over I really pray that I never have to R&R that servo through that inspection hole. Especially at the airport, with poor light, laying on my back rather than in my well equipped shop.

Perhaps it would be easier with the later RV models as they have three inspection holes in a wing, the ribs have larger lightening holes, and the interior of the wings are generally more accessible than in the RV6. But TruTrak has a good installation in the fuselage which solves all these problems and the installation can all be completed without the wings attached meaning in your shop. My currant project, an RV8, will have the servo in the fuselage for these reasons but the wing location will work and the brackets are easy enough to fabricate even if TT doesn't have them.

Dick DeCramer
RV6 N500DD flying
RV8 wings almost complete
Northfield, MN