TS Flightlines

Well Known Member
Hello All-
I had been having issues with getting your emails forwarded from my'old' website email, [email protected] to my gmail, [email protected]
Some would forward, some ( have no idea how many) would not. So, I contacted Go Daddy to gt them to make that seemingly minor little change.
LOL---as most of you know, I'm NOT the computer genius that all of you guys and gals are. Suzanne built the website, and I really have no clue. Since she passed away, its been in limbo.

So--long story shorter, this individual from Go Daddy somehow changed the website to something altogether different, and all the previous site stuff has disappeared. They claim they cant recover it. NOT TO WORRY---

1) I did a test email and it DID forward it to my gmail---so hoefully that solved that minor issue.
2) Since we merged 7 years ago ( time flies) with Steve at Aircraft Specialty to form AIRCRAFT SPECIALTY FLIGHTLINES, we've been using his site, www.aircraftspecialty.com as our company website, with all the pertnant data for you. He is really good at maintaning things!
3) Used to be that my 'old' site would redirect you to aircraftspecialtyflightlines.com---and that my have been blown up by the GO Daddy person. Might be a few days before we can get that fixed.

In the mean time---shoot me emails with questions, concerns, rants, etc.
