Well Known Member
a fellow rv'r emailed me today and i can't help him. Can anyone help?
"Hey guys need your help,

I'm looking for a RV flying video that was on you tube about two years ago, I can't find it I had saved it on my favorites but my computer crashed last year and I lost most everything. It's done by a guy in a RV 7 doing loops and rolls with the John Denver theme song in the background then along comes a yellow RV 4 he fly's with. He does some low passes at his grass strip turns on the smoke and pays tribute naming many of the famous pilots and flying aces that have gone west and when he lands he says the best part of the day was having his 70+ year old dad with him. The guy wore a faded red hat and had a Eastern sign on the rear bulkhead leading me to believe he was a retired airline pilot his dad was an old timer with a white bushy stash can I be any more descriptive? It's a great video and I'd like to locate it again for a presentation. If you can give me the title or a link I'd really appreciate it some of you may recall my showing it at the hangar when we were constructing the Builders Corner."