
Well Known Member
I am trying to select a grip for my RV8A. I will want switches for A/P disconnect, PTT, and pitch trim (I don't have aileron trim). I am thinking that since I won't have aileraon trim, I don't want the "hat" style switch. Any suggestions on which grip would accomodate this configuration best? Am I forgetting a "must have" switch function on the grip?


i've been struggling with this as well -- similar situation (no electric aileron trim). aesthetically, i wasn't too pleased with any of the standard grip choices -- until i saw the ch-products grip at oshkosh. so i ordered a coupla those -- i went ahead and got the hat switch, even though i won't be connecting the lateral contacts. you could order the cs-4, without the hat, and have 2 buttons on the top for trim (but they're side-by-side, instead of up & down.) one thing i like about the ch-products grip is that it is "ambidextrous" -- symmetrical, so that you can fly with either hand.

Thanks for the reply. I looked at the link you provided and like the grip. I didn't see a price anywhere. Do you remember what you paid?

Unlike black plastic, teak wood doesn't get blazing hot when it sits in the sun. :cool:
Thanks for the reply. I looked at the link you provided and like the grip. I didn't see a price anywhere. Do you remember what you paid?


the ch-8 (with the hat switch) was $125. the ch-4 was $119. i got two ch-8's. call kevin williamson at 760-598-2518 for more info.
