I'm not 100% sure but it looks like the same test Dr Earl Miller in San Clemente has been using on me for my 3rd class medical. Give him a call at (949) 366-4185

Thanks Jake,
I gave his office a call and left a message with the Dr, hopefully he calls back. Apparently I was not the first too call him about this today! I will post his response for all those interested.
Thanks Jake,
I gave his office a call and left a message with the Dr, hopefully he calls back. Apparently I was not the first too call him about this today! I will post his response for all those interested.

I called Dr Miller after reading your post earlier today. He was not in but I didn't leave him a message because I'm pretty sure he has the machine you're looking for. Good luck!
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If you are close to Redlands you may want to call:

Dr. Mark Keidel, MD

supermd at gmail.com

Based on other input he does not perform the FALANT test. According to his business card he does Class 2 & 3.

My experience is that he is pretty easy to work with and easy to schedule.

- larosta
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Thank you also Larosta. The number you posted is no longer in service. I googled his office and called, and they told me to email him with inquiries for the 3rd class medical. The email address you posted is the same one they told me to use. I did email him and will also post his response.
The good Dr. Miller just returned my call. He does NOT have the Farnsworth lantern test. He has the FAA approve Ishihara plates, but I think he described it as an illuminated version.

Also, The good Dr. Keidel sent a follow up email basically saying to broaden our search to non AME eye doctors. I will paste his suggestion below:
If you find an optometrist or ophthalmologist who does it and can fill out the FAA report of eye exam then most AMEs will accept that and don't actually own the equipment.

Acceptable substitutes [to the Ishihara plates and similar] are:
Farnsworth Lantern;
OPTEC 900 Color Vision Test;
Keystone Orthoscope;
Keystone Telebinocular;
OPTEC 2000 Vision Tester (Models 2000 PM, 2000 PAME, 2000 PI) -Tester MUST contain 2000-010 FAR color perception PIP plate to be approved; OPTEC 2500;
Titmus Vision Tester;
Titmus i400.

I will have to Google for the similarity of these other tests to the FALANT.