Luke D

Well Known Member
Hi Everyone,

It's not technically new, but we just updated a feature on our website with current information. We also made it way easier to update in the future, and added some new features, so that part is new. It's what we call our "Build An Interior" page.

We need some more eyes to beat it up a little, and see if you notice any bugs that we missed. I do this kind of thing in my spare time, so it's always a bit of a rush job and there's a good chance I overlooked something. You can select your model of RV below:


You can also get there by going to "Products" on the left hand menu. Thanks for any input we really appreciate it.


Very nice upgrade to the site.
Add weight of items so people can understand option impacts on weight.
On Stick Boots, is that per side or both sides?
Thanks for the feedback guys. I'll add the product weights feature to the to do list. It wouldn't be hard to make it calculate a running tally just like the price.

The biggest issue is the holes in our product weight data. There are a lot of variations on some products (leather vs cloth, etc.) that we don't have weight numbers for. Incomplete information would be better than none though, and we can just keep adding over time.

Thanks again!
I've ran an estimator for fun. Price came out with only 1,611G (gallons) definitely cheaper then 2009. Jokes aside if start again I would buy your leather interior in a heartbeat. The most expensive one. :)
Nice upgrades

Getting ready to finish an RV-7A project just down the road from you at Synergy. I've seen your interiors and looking forward to installing one on this RV-7!

And I second the desire for a weight estimator.
Thanks Vlad. Always good to hear from one of our "celebrity" customers :D

Krea, that sounds good. Just let me know if you have any questions on anything. I like the idea of the weight calculator. We really worked hard on reducing the weight of our products in recent years, and it would give customer real world numbers for decision making.

Thanks again guys for the input.
Great to hear! I've used the Build an Interior feature quite often in the past when daydreaming about my RV-7 build. Glad to see it has some more options now and that the RV-14/14A has one too!

I noticed that the seat heater and headrest options are no longer present for the Aviator seats. I definitely plan on adding headrests to mine. ;)
Thanks Tyler, I knew there were a few things I missed. Good catch. I've updated that now, along with a few other things I noticed at the same time. I got in a little bit of a hurry toward the end of pushing out the updates.

In the future I hope to have all product data coming from a single database, so it's all unified and consistent. At the moment I've got pieces of old website, and new website that are not really connected. Any other corrections (or bug reports) are welcome.

Thanks again,
I like it! Makes ordering interior (or just dreaming of interior at my stage in the build process) really simple planning.

It would be really nice if there was some sort of weight comparison between the different options, as well as a total tally of weight. This would help folks decide what options suited their mission profile the best.
Thanks Lynn. I'll add the weight tally feature to my to do list. Others have mentioned it too. Thanks for the feedback.

Hi Everyone,

It's not technically new, but we just updated a feature on our website with current information. We also made it way easier to update in the future, and added some new features, so that part is new. It's what we call our "Build An Interior" page.

We need some more eyes to beat it up a little, and see if you notice any bugs that we missed. I do this kind of thing in my spare time, so it's always a bit of a rush job and there's a good chance I overlooked something. You can select your model of RV below:


You can also get there by going to "Products" on the left hand menu. Thanks for any input we really appreciate it.


Why no RV-10 seats?
Hi Mike

We did offer seats for the RV-10, and had planned to offer a full interior. I've put more detailed information about it in our FAQ section:

Our current focus is to offer comprehensive interior options for all of the aircraft that we currently make products for (the list you quoted above). In other words, seats, carpet, side panels, and various accessories. These are prioritized by which items our customers indicate are most important to them. Right now new RV-14 and RV-8 products top the list.

Based on our previous experience a complete RV-10 interior option would represent the highest upfront cost in product development, and due to some other products already available, the lowest chance to recoup that cost in a reasonable time frame. I wish I could offer every product that customers show interest in:( On the plus side for RV-10 builders, there are some pretty nice options our there.

btw, cool pedal plane!
In my 6A I requested the side pocket be installed on the top panel instead of down low in front of the rudder cable. We find it very convenient where we have it.

That's a nice picture of your RV-6 interior Anthony. It looks like that pocket worked out. Thanks for posting.