
Well Known Member
Anyone know the web address for TruTrak/ Google a nogo. UPDATE...had to update my MicroMediaFlash to access site, got in fine. Thanks all.

RV-6 Working on Canopy/FWF
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I just accessed it a few minutes ago and downloaded a pdf file.
Seemed to work just fine for me.
Good Luck
TruTrak website

Thank you Mark.. The problem turned out to be that I needed a later version of MacromediaFlash software to access their hi-tek website. I usually hesitate to download that type of stuff because of security concerns, but in this case it solved the problem. Guess I'm a little Low-tek. Sometimes I can't believe I'm building an airplane!

RV-6 Canopy/FWF
Grumpy old man

MontanaMike said:
turned out to be that I needed a later version of MacromediaFlash software to access their hi-tek website. MontanaMike RV-6 Canopy/FWF
Does everyone get annoyed with these Flash web sites. At least this one loads fast and does not have music at 11 (spinal tap style :D ). Some let you choose at the start. I think its gimmicky and little value added, but that is me, grumpy old man in my 40's.
Agree w/ George

gmcjetpilot said:
Does everyone get annoyed with these Flash web sites. At least this one loads fast and does not have music at 11 (spinal tap style :D ). Some let you choose at the start. I think its gimmicky and little value added, but that is me, grumpy old man in my 40's.
I'm a retired webmaster. You are completely right, George. TT could have accomplished the same thing with static images. It is pointless and dumb, since by doing it they push away some potential customers and gain almost nothing by it. If I were designing their site I'd give more information and less pizazz. They make an excellent product that's simple to use. The site should reflect those values. OK, I'm done now.
I'm with you folks. Flash, Shockwave and stuff like it is very annoying and I just click away immediately for this stuff to load. I use only HTML on our website and compressed images. It's a wonder that "professional" web designers often don't get it- making you download other software to view sites, huge image files when 75 dpi is fine etc. These are not art forms, they are information portals.

I can't count how many times people have contacted me to "improve" our site. Hmmm. With 160Gb downloaded from our site last year maybe it's not half bad.

I'm over 40 too, maybe I just don't get this new stuff. :confused:
I like it...

I like the new website. Very cool, I thought.

I do wonder though, if their marketing aim may be a bit off. The flashy interactive website thing seems to be the in thing with "kids" (I'm in my mid 30's... anyone 25 or below is a "kid") but their market should probably be centered on 50 year olds, plus 10, minus 20. Not sure it clicks with that crowd...

That said, to reiterate... I like it.