
Well Known Member
"Issues" might not be the correct word, just needing some guidance. Hopefully, Lucas will read this and respond this weekend! ;)

I installed a new Vision and it works great, just needs a little tweak & fine tuning. I have read the manual a couple of time with nothing I could find about these two issues.

1. Set on "Course Heading" or after hitting the "level" button, the AP wants to "wigwag" ever so slightly left to right. Very slow and gently. The plane is trimmed perfectly.

2. In GPSS mode (following a GPS course) or "Altitude Preselect" the unit wants to descend about 100' FPM no matter what I try. It will not hold the selected altitude.

Any suggestions?

The unit is "on a laser" flying an approach. It flew down to 200' minimums and held it there along the runway until I hit "Missed" , then it climbed to the hold pattern. Amazing!
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You have to not move for 30 seconds after turning the unit on. Mine also 'hunts' in track mode but I seldom use that anyway.

As Walt pointed out, you have to set the altitude on the ground to match the field elevation because it reverts to 29.92" after a power down.

You have to not move for 30 seconds after turning the unit on. Mine also 'hunts' in track mode but I seldom use that anyway.

As Walt pointed out, you have to set the altitude on the ground to match the field elevation because it reverts to 29.92" after a power down.


Pretty sure I didn't move for a couple of mins., but I will try it again.

I am going to try resetting the internal gyros.
I raise the lateral setting up to 5 per TruTrak, and will reset the gyros on the ground. They really could not explain why the altitude hold didn't work. Weather is an issue for further tests. :mad:
Just now reading this!

The altitude drift sounds like a minor gyro offset. Let me know if the gyro set doesn't work.
Just now reading this!

The altitude drift sounds like a minor gyro offset. Let me know if the gyro set doesn't work.

I reset the gyro and and everything works perfect!

The lateral setting of 5 seems to work better for the "wig wag" issue.

So, like always the Tru Trak works great once a few bugs are worked out.

Thanks Lucas!

Happy New Year!
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Used my Vizion today for the second time (4th flight of a new RV-8). This was from KETB to KSBM and return in the GPSS mode with altitude hold. It was flawless. In track mode the AP held a slight rt bank. ? Due to heavy left wing ? Squeezed rt aileron a bit today, so we'll see....
Did it hold the correct track? If so, if one wing is down, it is not a heavy wing, but a rudder out of trim that causes this. Try holding the rudder and the AP will hold the wings level.