Pat Stewart

Well Known Member
I got my servo back from TruTrak and re-installed it today. They corrected the locking issue and explained how to zero the gyro in calibration mode which worked great (not in my manual). In the setup mode it turns left and right exactly as it should. The remaining problem is the pitch direction. In calibration mode when dialing up a decent it try?s to climb. When dialing in a climb it try?s to descend. Both TruTrak and the manual say to either add or remove a jumper which in my case was remove (just cut the jumper wire). Easy enough however no change. Servo still runs in the opposite direction of the command.

Although I don?t think it?s an issue, the only mod I have made was adding an extra 18? of wire to the harness provided by Stein. I can call TruTrak on Monday but curious if anyone else had experienced this issue.

The only thing I can come up with is that your jumper wasn't making contact originally, thus cutting it did nothing. Try reinstalling the jumper.

The only thing I can come up with is that your jumper wasn't making contact originally, thus cutting it did nothing. Try reinstalling the jumper.

I talked with Stein this morning who tells me he has seen this one before. It seems that when you go to Radio Shack aviation and buy a completed cable that I used as an extension to the cable provided byStein that computers do not use all the pins and that should be the problem. Stein is putting a new cable in the mail today that should solve this issue.