
Well Known Member
According to TruTrak, the maximum bank angle if you choose the highest available in the configuration is about 18 degrees. You can't set it for a standard rate turn. Mine is the DigiFlight II. Others have said theirs differ.

I was curious what speed was the upper limit to still get a standard rate turn if bank angle is limited to 18 degrees.

I got the formula from Selkirk College.

According to my computation, the answer is 117-118 KTAS. If you go faster the turn won't be as much as standard rate. Spreadsheet available if you email or PM me.

Just in case anyone wondered. I'm going to test this tomorrow if the WX holds up.
A rule of thumb for figuring the bank angle required for standard rate turns is:

airspeed in kts/10 +5

118/10 +5 = 17degrees

this is not as accurate as your speadsheet, but is practical
Three points

A rule of thumb for figuring the bank angle required for standard rate turns is:

airspeed in kts/10 +5

118/10 +5 = 17degrees

this is not as accurate as your speadsheet, but is practical
The article to which I linked shows the difference between the correct formula and a rule of thumb.

I tried it today. Much to my surprise it held standard rate or more all the way up to 135 kts and looked like it could go even faster. Obviously, the 18 degree thing was wrong. I used it to fly an ILS approach and a hold with excellent results. I can only couple the lateral guidance, not the vertical, of course.

I'd like to turn mine all the way up
For the DigiFlight series, hold the mode button in until it enters configuration mode, press other button to advance to next option and so on.
Pictorial pilot

Have to turn mine up too..I only get half standard rate turns and sometimes I want to fly everything the ATC tells me on the A/P...But I can't cus I'm turning too slow.

How do u max the bank on the PP????
