Well Known Member
Like many others, I'm in the process of drilling out the stock bellcrank bracket to install the TruTrak pitch servo mounting bracket.

However, after removing the battery mounting tray, I see that the servo bracket is LONGER than the Van's stock bracket. The extra length interferes with the battery tray. What have others done to make it all fit?

Pitch bracket

The drawing from tru track is a little confusing, the servo goes to the rear, you've probably done what I first did and tried to make the servo fwd. I couldn't figure it out either, til I was on hold with tru track, on a cordless phone way back in the tail, when the light came on just as Jim Younkin himself came on the line. I told him I think I might have figured it out if the sevo goes to the rear. He said yes and they should change the drawing or add a note. He also gave me some good advice as to how to match up the new mounts. Drill one off, take the new one, put the bellcrank and washers on, then the new mount, clamp in place then I back drilled with an angle drill.
I really just started the angle drill to get a good mark. Then I removed it and drilled with a regular drill. Put it back in place with a clecoe this time then marked another one and so on til it was all drilled. Then drill the other mount off and repeat the process.
Good luck
Well, one quick call to Sky King answered my question. It seems that the drawings for the servo installation don't specify which way is FORE or AFT (that I could discern, anyway), thus my confusion. Danny informed me that the long ends of the brackets face AFT. Duh.

Hope this helps anyone else too dense to figger that out ... :confused:
same here

I took a quick look at the drawing, and angle, and thought they had totally screwed them up. I then ordered some new angle to make my own, and as I was in the process of measuring it up, I realized I was looking at the drawing wrong :eek:
