Well Known Member

Does anyone have the mount bolt distance measurements for the pitch servo?

I want to build my own angle extensions so that I can easily upgrade to TT pitch after flying for a while. I can't find the hole distance anywhere.


Dude, you being cheap or just like a challenge?

I have an extra set. Yours if you want em. PM me your address.

....unless you like the challenge.
TT bracket kits NLA

Hey Bart,
When I checked at SnF, the TruTrak bracket kits were no longer available as a "pre-purchase" without servos. This was due to the Dynon tactic of directly competitive "drop-in" servo geometry. Fortunately, I already have mine, but I feel for the guys that don't yet. The bracket pre-purchase was pretty handy.

I wasn't aware of that. I pre-purchased mine, then later decided to go ahead and get the servos and ended up with a second set. They'd be easy to roll-your-own.

Looks like 1"x1" angle stock, 1/8th thick

I'll do a drawing and post dimensions later today.

Thanks either way is fine with me. I sent you a PM.

A little of both actually. I am wiring for the TT ADI Pilot AP and have a hole in the panel, but not sure if I will have the funds by first flight. I guess TT's policy has changed again, as when I priced hardware it was $50 , then when I was ready to buy it was $250 each set (in fairness applicable to full purchase) and now you can't buy. I could only "afford" one set and they are easy to make. I am a believer in honesty and honoring someone's work, so I will be 100% using TT but I guess that is not enough these days.