
Well Known Member
This post is intended as a feeler rather than a spoiler.

Background... I have a TT ADI Pilot II in our panel; neither the panel nor the servos have been installed in the airplane yet. Am adding a GNS480 to the stack so am hoping to find an elegant way to incorporate GPSS and VNAV capability without breaking the bank, while also keeping some form of backup attitude indication to supplement my GRT HS EFIS. Also trying to avoid breaking the bank!

I've been hearing rumblings that TruTrak is coming out with a new autopilot product in the very near future. Not Gemini, but a different product. I would really appreciate any info that can be shared regarding this new product as I need to make a decision in the near future.

Cutting aluminum and wires within the next month so the sooner I get the info fed into my decision-making process, the better.
They recently came out with the new Vizion series, which supercedes the DigiFlight-II series and adds altitude select function and other features.
I have a beta version of the Vision and all I can say is AMAZING!!!! The algorithm is much better, smoother, the altitude preselect is a wonderful addition for the Rocket which makes large altitude changes quickly...
Thanks for the good info, folks. I'd like to find the differences between the two Vizion models. 'Tis a shame one can't find this information on the TruTrak website.
Thanks, Lucas, both for your update here, as well as our most helpful phone conversation this morning. My next task is a heart-to-heart with my Chief Financial Officer. Oh boy, wish me luck! ;-)