
Well Known Member
Just want to know if any of you after installing the gemini if you had issues with the AS, DG, and AI rolloing and tumbling .
I can seem to get my AS and DG working and have checked Pitot and Static many times. I have spoke to the Trutrak people but they tell me they can't make the Gemini do this on the work bench.
Any help thanks.
Alan, I'm sending you a pm.

Edit: Lucas worked with me on the same problems. It is ROCK solid now and matches my steam gauges almost perfectly. Mostly software revision issue.
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just once, just lately...

after a year installed and about 125 hours, I noticed the AI portion roll into a 45 degree left bank and stay there for about two to three minutes, until I unpowered the unit and restarted it. all was fine after that. I could find no cause, but then I didn't look very hard. I love the unit, but that was a little disconcerting.
after a year installed and about 125 hours, I noticed the AI portion roll into a 45 degree left bank and stay there for about two to three minutes, until I unpowered the unit and restarted it. all was fine after that. I could find no cause, but then I didn't look very hard. I love the unit, but that was a little disconcerting.

Was it humid that day?
The software is what they had out around March /April 2013. I have spoke to Zach mostly at Trutrak and I have sent it back for that update but they may have something new out now.
The weather wasn't humid on all the days I have a issues, the Airspeed and DG has never work and the DG never reads correctly.
I have it thru the CNX80 or 480 GPS for the DG and that GPS works great.
Hope this helps more.
What is the software release cycle for TruTrack Gemini ? I have one of the original run PFDs and haven't updated my firmware. I have been trying to avoid sending it in and then see another version becoming available.

Also, I wanted to try and catch you guys at a fly in since I understand you do updates at fly ins real time. That first opportunity for me will most likely be next year at Sun N Fun.

What is current version and how often are new versions coming out ?

Right now I am not really even using my Gemini since I have it installed as back up and know that the software is soo far out of date. Probably should placard it as "inop". :)
What is the software release cycle for TruTrack Gemini ? I have one of the original run PFDs and haven't updated my firmware. .....

What is current version and how often are new versions coming out ?

Here is the link to the Trutrak Forums:

Link to the PDF manual that will show you how to check the software version you have: PFD.pdf

(1-Touch and hold the right-center area to display the info page. The instrument will return to normal flight screen when the screen is released.)

However, the last update shows as 2.0 in Dec 2012 for the Gemini PFD and I think the latest version was June 2013.

Hope this helps...
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yes, it was a humid day...

we were over north texas where it was indeed humid that day, but the unit lives in south texas where it's ALWAYS humid!
we were over north texas where it was indeed humid that day, but the unit lives in south texas where it's ALWAYS humid!

If it was humid enough for condensation, there may be some moisture condensing underneath one of the gyros, causing the display to go tilted like that. We can cure that if you want to send it back for coating. Let me know. Thanks!
The current software is B01. This will change to a 'normal' number in the near future.

If you have an original release unit with software version 100, you should be fine. You just won't have any other units to select except knots for airspeed and feet for altitude. You can just get it updated at Sun n Fun.
Will think about sending it in for a coating...

esp if it happens again. likely I won't send it until the airplane is grounded for a while for something else, tho, as I really don't want to do without the Gemini in flight!