
Active Member
Can anyone give a review on the Trutrak Gemini autopilot..? I am interested in putting one in my 8 when construction resumes..

THanks, Pat
Can anyone give a review on the Trutrak Gemini autopilot..? I am interested in putting one in my 8 when construction resumes..

THanks, Pat

Close - I have the TruTrak sorcerer. I am not sure of the difference v Gemini, but I have found it to be very solid and reliable....Alt hold is rock solid. GPS and Track modes are rock solid. I have not tried a coupled approach yet, but the previous owner said it worked very well. I don't find the user interface to be very intuitive, but you get used to it quickly.
The Gemini AP is a great unit and backup EFIS. The joystick takes a little getting used to, but for the price it's hard to beat.

Recently upgraded from the ADI II to the Gemini, system so far has been rock solid. The joystick works well but can be a bit tricky if you are bouncing around and I personally would prefer the track change modes to be reversed but other than that I like the unit a lot.
I bought one when it first came out and had some teething problems. Basically it would freeze and I had difficulty programming the parameters. Checked a several things, but ended up return the control head to TruTrak and they replaced it. Second one worked better, no problem programming it, but also had freezing problems, which occurred irregularly. Had to switch the unit off then back on to reset (resetting the altimeter setting). It would freeze with or without the AP engaged. I feed the GPS signal from a Garmin 500 GPS through a GDL39 ADSB receiver--all hard wired. I don't know what the problem was ultimately, but it seems like some of the GPS signal information was not always complete, or maybe there was noise, but when that happened the unit would freeze up. Interesting, it would still hold a course, but no adjustments could be made, and the screen was frozen. Yes the AP control could be released. Sent it back again and TruTrak replaced it again. The third time was a charm, it has worked great since then (now for a year). TruTrak's customer service is outstanding! Notwithstanding my initial problems, I would highly recommend the unit.
I installed the Gemini this January. Awesome unit, zero issues. I don't think you can beat the bang-for-buck factor. The PFD is a great backup for my antique 6-pack. Also a great backup if you have a single AHRS setup.
Unlike others, I enjoy the joystick. Tap it up or down to set vertical speed. Rotate left or right to change heading. Tap left to change to GPS steering. AND it's a touch-screen display ;-). Not perfect; I wish the heading tape was easier to read (larger number or white numbers), but thats about it.
I installed the Gemini this January. Awesome unit, zero issues. I don't think you can beat the bang-for-buck factor. The PFD is a great backup for my antique 6-pack. Also a great backup if you have a single AHRS setup.
Unlike others, I enjoy the joystick. Tap it up or down to set vertical speed. Rotate left or right to change heading. Tap left to change to GPS steering. AND it's a touch-screen display ;-). Not perfect; I wish the heading tape was easier to read (larger number or white numbers), but thats about it.

I also installed a TruTrak Gemini in my RV9a with EFIS. Works very well and the AP LVL emergency button is also a very good extra safety issue. Use the harrness if you come from the ADI II .
I have been looking at this for some time, my 7 currently have a Tru Track digiflight II VS. would the Gemini be an upgrade? I do like the idea of a back up AI as I am planing on getting my IFR ticket in my 7.
I have been looking at this for some time, my 7 currently have a Tru Track digiflight II VS. would the Gemini be an upgrade? I do like the idea of a back up AI as I am planing on getting my IFR ticket in my 7.

I think you would be better off with an upgrade to the Vizion 385 and then decide independently on a backup attitude. The Vizion will fit in the hole where your Digiflight II is right now.
I was an early adopter of the Vizion 385. So early, in fact, that the face of my Vizion controller still reads "Digiflight II"!

Definitely a good autopilot, and definitely an easy upgrade if you have an existing Digiflight II. I would agree wholeheartedly with Jesse's recommendations that going with the Vizion 385 and an alternate source of attitude info would be the easiest and most effective upgrade path.
I like it...

For me, it made the most sense. The fact that it added a back efis in the same space of the Trio EZ-Pilot I was replacing was the deciding factor for me. It works well.

The negatives are: It takes a practice to use the one input toggle/rotary/push encoder in bumpy conditions. It only couples RNAV approaches and gps nav data.

Jesse Saint installed mine and I have enjoyed it.

I recently had to upgrade due to my ADI II not being fixable. Two problems i see with the Gemini, the one joystick is difficult to use unless it is perfectly smooth. Many times i try to do something, I have to do it over, sometimes three tries to get what I want. the other issue i have is, the numbers in the lower bar showing the altitude and fpm are so small, its dificult to see without my specs on. But, when its set, it is spot on alt and hdg. Captures altitudes smoothly also.
Love mine! My first AP in any plane I've flown over the years. Looks good, performs great, pretty simple once you understand what an AP is able to do. Mine is controlled by my GRT Sport EFIS. I use it every flight, even if I am simply cruising along the shore. 2 bumps of the joystick to the left and you are locked at your altitude and current heading. Twist the joystick to change heading 5 degrees per click (one degree increments if you push the joystick in while twisting). I love being able to climb and descend with the AP when on a XC trip, or even just coming back to my home base. Miine hasn't had a single hiccup in almost a year. Money well spent!!