
Well Known Member
I am probably going to buy the Pictorial Pilot but am curious if what I get can be either new or used. Trutrak says you can upgrade for just the difference in published price (see below), I wonder what they do with all those returned parts?

Upgrade Policy

"If you buy a single-servo system and expand the installation later, you will only pay the difference in system price. Any unit may be exchanged at any time for one with more features, for the difference in published price at the time of the exchange, as long as the unit to be exchanged is still in production. If a unit has been modified, for example cutting the corners off of a bezel, then a small fee may be assessed on the trade-in."
Don't worry, the "used" stuff isn't necessarily sold to you as new. Some of us dealers get them and sell them as used/demo units, or we get to beat them up at "beta testers" (for things like software tweaks, hardware tweaks, etc..) in our own planes. It's not like ordering a reman lyco where they take a pile of old parts and make you a new one.....

As one who frequently takes things in on trade, I rarely if ever send them back to TruTrak because I sell them to someone else at a discount for the used item (still comes with warranty, etc..). I don't have to advertise them because there are plenty of people always looking to pinch that last penny!


RV6's, Minneapolis
RV7....Finish kit due to arrive - TOMORROW!
Stein's Trade-in list?


How does one get a list of what you have to sell on your TRADE-IN list?

Just give a call (easier said than done because we're obviously so busy)....or drop me a line. typically we always have some 2 1/4" digitraks around, some RV6 Roll Servos and some 3.125" ADI's. These are the usual "trade up" suspects.
