
Well Known Member
Just saw this quote over on the TruTrak forum. This is a bummer, as this is what I have installed in my plane. :(

Our line of EFIS products has been discontinued. Some of the components used in the manufacture have been discontinued by their manufacturer and it is not cost effective for us to completely redesign the hardware. Your servos are compatible with any of our autopilot systems. Since you're talking EFIS units, I would suggest taking a look at the Advanced Flight Systems 5000 series. We make an autopilot that integrates completely with the 5000 series but still gives you a level of redundancy that you can't get with any other system. You can find more information here:
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This is uncomfortable news. I was convinced to buy a new EFIS SG AP3 less than 5 months ago. I will be interested in seeing TT service on these going forward. Hopefully I don't need service but this far the unit has been working up to TruTrak standards.
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Yup, along with the rest of my obsolete panel that has not flown yet!
Manufacturing has been discontinued, but support has not. We will continue to support the EFIS products into the future. It simply wasn't cost effective to completely redesign the hardware for the product based on the life cycle of a few key components. Sorry for the bad news but please rest assured you do NOT have orphaned products!
I have been flying behind two of TruTrak's EFIS and engine management screens with their high end autopilot for two years and have been totally satisfied. I make aluminum components for them and am biased because I know they have the integrity to stand behind their products to the bitter end.
Sorry for the bad news but please rest assured you do NOT have orphaned products!

Thanks Lucas. I do enjoy flying behind the TruTrak EFIS. Was just a bit disappointed to hear they were discontinued just after my first flight.

I have no plans to change the EFIS out, it works great and I really enjoy the Auto Pilot. This is the first plane I have flown with the AP. It is amazing. Sit back and pay attention to the sky and don't worry about heading and altitude. Very nice.
Too bad. I have one of these and consider it to be a superior product - very simple, intuitive, and easy to use. The better mousetrap doesn't always win in the marketplace though, and I figured its days were numbered when TT and Advanced joined forces.

Support from TT has always been great and I don't expect this to change.
Wish They Were Still Making It

Personally, I think it's a great box and should remain so, as long as they support it. I was looking to put one in my plane - it's a true EFIS and I really didn't feel the need for a MFD, synthetic vision,etc. Now, who knows?
With the pace of change in electronics, it'll be interesting to see what the MFD market looks like a couple more years down the road. Is there enough room for Dynon, Grand Rapids, Advanced Flight, MGL, and Garmin? You get some idea of the sophistication of Garmin's marketing initiatives just by the folks they've chosen to supply as Beta testers. Lots of free marketing (along with some hopefully worthwhile feedback) for the price of a couple of boxes. All of this certainly has me wondering what I should do next.
Terry, CFI

According to the guy I talked to at TT today, the Gemini and upcoming 780 are still being continued. The 780 might not be ready this year, though.

Good deals

I wonder if there will be some good deals to be had on there EFIS? I had one in my 8A and liked it allot.
The luxury of the "old days" is when people designed their panel, their instruments weren't orphaned within months.

I think this is going to continue to be a problem for people nowadays. Just assume whatever you're putting in is going to be obsolete in months by the time the plane flies.
My last copy of Kit Planes still had an add for the entire line including the EFIS

Thanks for the heads up, I'll make sure they aren't running an old ad and see if we need to get them a new one.

The rate of technological advancement is ever increasing. Just the way of the world eh?