Mr Nipper

Hi Guys,
My TruTrak 2 autopilot head (rectangular) display is failing. Repair by the agents is more than a new unit $800, new unit $700.
Does anyone have a defective unit that the display works on that I could purchase for spares please?
I have done masses of research to find a replacement, but as I don't have a data sheet for the old display I don't know what to replace it with. Most displays that I have found that are the correct size are 18 pin units, TruTrak uses 16.
Any help much appreciated.
What has failed? My radio display started failing and I hade the same issues with finding a fair repair or replacement price. With nothing to loose I took it apart and cleaned the connections and put some foam to press on the LED connections. It has been fine ever since.
Several years ago my Digitrac II display head went blank. Flew to TruTrac in Arkansas and had them install a Vision 385. Cost was about what you said. I think display head failure is somewhat common on their older models.

I recommend just replacing it with a new unit. A used one could just as easily fail again and you’ll have wasted your money. I suggest you PM Andrew and he will respond. Do a search and you’ll find him. However since you’re in the UK you have nothing to lose by trying to clean it as suggested above.
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The upgrade to the xCruze 100 is the best not only gets you a completely new unit, but adds altitude select and the emergency level feature as well. There is currently a special going where you can upgrade your existing DII to the xCruze for $650. (If you already have a trim sensing pitch servo). The reason it is more expensive to repair what you have is that it requires a complete overhaul of your existing unit with out of production’s the issue we face with modern electronics these days.
Special price xCruze upgrades...

It is a dealer sales bulletin, so any dealer should be able to offer it. Dealers like Mid Continent, Spruce, EDMO, and GCA/PCA are the ones that typically stock product.