
Well Known Member
My new project will have the Digiflight II VSGV Auto pilot. I'm doing the wiring drawings now and noticed the Auto Trim option. Just wondering if anyone is using that and if it is worth the extra $625 and extra wiring hassles?

Thanks in advance.
I thought about it when I put in the new VSGV a couple of months ago, but decided I'd rather save the money and watch the little "I need trim" indicator on the display and do it myself. So far, it has worked out fine - it seems to me that the VSGV is more tolerant of out of trim conditions than the old AlTrak - more powerful servo maybe?

I know, that doesn't answer your question - just a side comment from someone who DIDN'T go with the autotrim...

My new project will have the Digiflight II VSGV Auto pilot. I'm doing the wiring drawings now and noticed the Auto Trim option. Just wondering if anyone is using that and if it is worth the extra $625 and extra wiring hassles?

Thanks in advance.

I have it (Trio), use it, like it. Worth my money. Im not a skimper, I like gadgets, I fly alot.
Living without it would not be hard nor would it bother me.
We don't have it, but Tanya and I were talking about it the other day. Sure would be nice, and I just might install it some day.
thought about it ...

... however didn?t have the cash at the time (nor do I have it now :mad:).

I got used to check the trim indicator of the unit itself during level off or any attitude change and every now and than during cruise. It works fine with me as you have to work on the trim a little just during climb and descent normally.

It would be nice to have but it was not an option for at the time.

We did install it in the -10... I love it! I couldn't see installing a full function A/P without trim. Turn George on in the climb, levels off, etc and it's always in trim.