I'm upgrading my Pic Pilot & Altrak to a DFII-VSG. I've been using a CB instead of a real pwr switch the last 4 years. So now I can remove the ALT button/light/trim ind, and install a real AP Power switch. Problem is, how do I fit a bat switch, or anything else in that big hole the ALT module left in the panel? Second problem is I never did hook up a Control Wheel Switch on the Control Stick. Now I want to. Drilling a hole to mount a switch would be a real problem. Any surface mount micro-switch ideas? I am groping around scratching my head!
One suggestion on your first problem is to use a regular toggle switch but set it in a space shuttle style switch guard (Perihelion Designs has sells them) as a "doubler". It'll take up a little more than a square inch. You'd make a square backup plate to go on the back, and sandwich the main panel in between. There are probably a bunch of other ways to do it!
Unwanted hole in panel

I had to re-locate a breaker (admitedly smaller) and it left a 3/4 moon hole on the edge of my LRI round instrument. I backed the hole with very light glass cloth and West resin. Once dry, I was able to fill the hole with the light blue filler from Spruce and elsewhere. For a bigger hole I would probably glass-in a piece of aluminum or even rivet a backing plate, a filler plate and fill the gaps with filler. My panel is painted, so I can get away with that. For a surface-mount, see my recent post on my panel where the flat-pack DigiFlight is mounted above the #2 GRT EFIS.

Thanks for your replys fellows.
I found a heavy duty rocker switch that not only filled the hole, but I had to enlargen slightly! It is a Radio Shack # 275-691. By the way, I flew over to Springdale yesterday to trade in my Picture Pilot and Altrak for the DFIISVG. Boy am I motivated now.