
Well Known Member
Just finished up the installation of the TT ADI-Pilot II in my RV-9A. I went through the post-installation check routine and everything works. There are numerous settings however, and TT really doesn't give you any guidance on what the values should be. (Except for those that say don't touch unless we tell you to.)

Anyone care to share their settings? Or any suggestions and determing the best settings?
TT AP settings

TruTrak advises starting at the low end of all settings and work up to what works best in your plane. The pitch and roll torque settings especially needs to be set low so you can override them easily if necessary. You will find after flying a few hours what works best for you. Tweak as needed. :)
The default torque setting was 12 for both pitch and roll. Guess I'll drop that down. :)

TruTrak advises starting at the low end of all settings and work up to what works best in your plane. The pitch and roll torque settings especially needs to be set low so you can override them easily if necessary. You will find after flying a few hours what works best for you. Tweak as needed. :)
Call Tru Trak

They will help you with the settings. When I reinstalled my Pictorial Pilot panel unit after repair a few months ago, I went throught the inflight set-up procedure and one of the settings was max by default and I went through the process of setting it per procedure to something lower but I could not really feel that I had accomplished anything by the change other than it was at a different value than I started with. I called Tru Trak and told them that how I felt about the setting. I was told to set it back to the max value, the only real reason for going to a lower torque value is to make sure you can manually override the autopilot. That never was a problem so I set it back to max and it works perfectly. For the record I hate subjective tuning and set up procedures.

Bob Axsom